What do you eat before and after the gym?

kateyb Posts: 138 Member
I'm getting myself into the habit of visiting the gym straight from work at least 4 nights a week. That way if I have a hectic weekend any extra exercise I manage to squeeze in is a bonus!

The thing is I'm going striaght from work at 9pm, after a 12 hour day so am not exactly getting the chance to eat a full evening meal as a result. I'm trying to work out the best things to eat before and after I go. Some people have told me I should have protein before and carbs after, other people have told me I shouldn't eat after at all.

What do you all think? Last night I wasn't that hungry when I got home, and was happy not to eat at all in view of the fact that it was already gone 10pm.

So I'm thinking I could just start having a bigger breakfast and lunch then taking a salad or snack with me to eat at my desk an hour or two before I go. Not sure what the best things to eat are though.


  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    What to eat depends on your work out, also. On the days that I'm doing a weights and cardio, I'll eat something like carrots or banana and a handful of walnuts/almonds an hour before going. That helps me keep my energy throughout the workout (I go after work, so it's generally been about 4hours since I last ate). I always try to have a little something in me, even on the weekend. After a good weights session, I make sure I have some good protein after, like a protein shake. Otherwise, I'm ravenous. Plus, your muscles need the protein to rebuild. After a cardio only workout, I generally just eat normal (plus a little extra to make up for the calorie deficit). And I make sure to stay hydrated.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I usually have a serving of fruit before going, and then chocolate soymilk and another piece of fruit after. Recent research has shown that the balance of carbs, fat, and protien in chocolate milk makes it an excellent recovery food. And like Kitty said - water, water, water. I have a pint-sized water bottle and I try to drink one before, one during, and one after my workout.
  • leonirmt
    leonirmt Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! First of all good for you going to the gym at that time of night! You go girl!!!! Second, I am doing the eat clean diet and workout by Tosca Reno. She says that she just eats every 2-3 hours as a daily rule and tries to think energy before and rebuild after. That means, according to her, complex carbs before and protein after. But you do need a little of both in each meal. So, I just eat at the same times as her no matter when my workout falls and I feel great all day! She has a website if you wanna check her story out. She is quite and inspiration for me. Good luck and keep at it!
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    I also hit the gym after working a 12 hour shift.......not to mention I drive an hour to and from work....so I get to the gym at around 8:30pm......I usually try to eat something lite before I go.........maybe a banana or like someone else said, some almonds, or i'll try to eat something at work before leaving......Once I get home though, I don't usually eat anything because, like you, its almost 10pm.....hope this helps for ya! :drinker:
  • Relaeh
    Relaeh Posts: 102 Member
    I go to the gym early in the am, so I usually just have my coffee and nothing else...I have a hard time getting through workouts after a meal. If I am hungry, I eat a banana or a vita muffin top...after the gym I usually have a protein shake made with 1% milk and a regular meal about 1-2 hours later...
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    When I used to go to the gym right after work, I always would have a piece of fruit (banana & apple) in the car driving there and after depending on the time and workout, I'd have a regular meal or as somebody else said a shake or Id make a smoothie.
    Workout after a 12 hr day.......THATS FABULOUS!!!! GOOD FOR YOU! :flowerforyou: