I just HURT!!

I'm lately wondering if this is something more...
Here is some of the pain I am always dealing with...
terrible lower back aches...spasms...
Hip aches...
neck aches...
head aches...
jaw aches...
tiredness...lack of energy...
foggy thinking...
foot pain...

I'm only 37...and I'm not sure what it would be exactly...but after I workout I'm so sore! and not the good muscle sore...the bad sore.
I'm so frustrated I'm ready to totally give up working out right now.
any thoughts?


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    What kind of workouts are you doing? Maybe they are too high impact for you.
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Do you stretch before and after you workout? I am terrible at remembering to do that. I know that can really help. If you do that already, maybe check your form when you are working out....I hope you feel better. :glasses:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Do you eat a protein snack immediately after your workouts? Drink plenty of water? Are you sure you're getting adequate nutrition (calories)? Those signs sound to me like they could be metabolism slow downs...but I'm not a professional, by far.

    I'd highly recommend you get checked out by your doctor!
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    sorry, I shoudl add that I've been doing this intensity of working out for over a year, and I totally warm up and stretch for 20 minutes afterwards...
    it really isn't that kind of pain...
    and unfortunately, I eat plenty....hehe
  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    I would go in and see the doctor, I had a headache for 4 months, at first they thought it was stress and the fact that I was taking motrin (rebound headaches). Then after MRIs and CATScans they found a cyst in my sinus that needed to be removed. As for the aching I would definitely ask your dr. Hope you get some answers. Don't give up!
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Yeah, if you have been working out this way for a year and recently the pain came - I would definitely visit a doctor.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    You should probably go to a doctor.

    This is similar to me, especially the foot pain, which I have a lot of. I also got a ridiculous number of tension headaches and it felt like I never felt good.

    I went to the doctor and they diagnosed me with fibromyalgia, but these symptoms are similar to a lot of things - they'll run up some blood work on you (they took a TON of mine). Better safe than sorry. Especially if this is all the time and not brought on by working out.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    I echo one word... "Doctor." Most of us on MFP are not doctors, specifically in sports medicine. I would seek an expert's opinion.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would go to the doctor just to make sure everything is ok.
  • Moneygrow3
    This sounds very similar to the symptoms my husband was having... after many years and much blood work, they diagnosed him with rheumatoid arthritis... he is now taking enbrel and feels like a new person! my suggestion would be to see your doctor... something doesn't sound quite right! Hang in there! =)
  • RobinBernier
    RobinBernier Posts: 5 Member
    I agree see a doctor .I had some of tthe same issues and more . After over a year of testing and alot of agony I found out I had fibromyalgia. Not to say thats whats going on with you but I would explore all possibilities if these things persist. I am 38 and would of never thought that would be the final diagnosis.
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I'm lately wondering if this is something more...
    Here is some of the pain I am always dealing with...
    terrible lower back aches...spasms...
    Hip aches...
    neck aches...
    head aches...
    jaw aches...
    tiredness...lack of energy...
    foggy thinking...
    foot pain...

    I'm only 37...and I'm not sure what it would be exactly...but after I workout I'm so sore! and not the good muscle sore...the bad sore.
    I'm so frustrated I'm ready to totally give up working out right now.
    any thoughts?

    Are you on a low-carb diet?
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    Def see a doctor!!!!

    As soon as I read your symptoms, I automatically thought fibromyalgia or rhuematoid arthritis. But you won't know for sure until you see your doctor. Make an appointment TODAY! You don't want to continue putting so much stress on your body and not knowing what's going on with it.

    Keep us informed on what you find out!
  • ScooterMom
    SEE A DOCTOR!!!! Check for fibromyalgia!
  • pcbta
    pcbta Posts: 227
    no, no low carb diets...they make me sick...
    yes, thanks everyone...I will see my doctor.