Not quite 20 but not quite 30. Mom of 2...anyone else?

Hey yall!
So....I've seen a lot of young 20 somethings and a few 30 somethings. I'm in the middle. A mom of 2 girls, ages 3 and 4. I'm almost 30 but not quite there yet, finished college and am married with 2 kids, 3 dogs and 3 cats. I ballooned with the pregnancies (my girls are 17 months apart) and hadn't quite ever gotten the weight off.

I'm pretty determined now. I'm tired of not "looking like myself" - you know... the pre-pregnancy me. She's been gone for almost 4 years now and I'm hoping to get her back before she's gone for good. I work 2 jobs so eating on the run was a big part of my day because of the ease. It certainly didn't help! I'm working out 15 minutes a day with the xbox version of Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser Xbox Version). Not sure if you all have ever tried that...I like it. It's quick and gets the heart rate up. I'm looking forward to increasing the intensity this week. I never really watched the show, one of my friends is letting me borrow the xbox game so we'll see how it goes. Plus, it was free. And I'm not exactly P90X material yet lol.

I'm open to suggestions, but mostly would like to meet another mom out there trying to make the ends meet and lose some weight at the same time. I guess I'll throw out there that I'd like to be around 130-150lbs so....pretty much I have around 90-120lbs to lose. I'm tall and my weight distributes pretty well, so most people never really realize how big I actually am! But I'm ready for it all to leave.



  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    Hey! I'm 26 and find the same thing - lots of young 20's and early 30's not so many of us in between. I'm mum to a gorgeous little boy and have recently returned to study. I put on weight after finishing breastfeeding and it took forever to get it off, I'm now smaller than my prepregnancy weight - but not quite where I want to be. I'm using Jillian's 30 Day Shred and the results so far have been amazing.
  • jumpy983
    Pleasure to meet you! How are you liking the shred? My sister in law tried it, but I don't think she stuck with it.
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    I just turned 30.. lol

    I have a 22 month old daughter.

    Funny thing with me, I gained all my weight before I ever got pregnant, I was back below pre-pregnancy weight 2 weeks after she was born.. lol So, I can't blame it on her at all, it was all my doing.

    We're actually probably pretty close in weight too..

    I went back to school while I was pregnant and got a 2 year degree done, but, decided to wait for her to be in at least preschool before I finish the next 2 years.

    I also have three dogs and 5 cats. Though, as far as the cats go, we only went out and adopted 2 of them. The other three are strays I found and got neutered but then couldn't find homes for.. lol.. So, got more cats than I really intended, but, it's all good. My husband and I have been married almost 8 years now.

    I'm recently laid off again, haven't really been able to find permanent employment since Dec 2008, but, I keep applying everyday and one day I hope something turns up.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey :) I'm 26 I also have 2 kids. A 4 month old baby boy and a daughter who is turning 5 at the end of this month :)

    I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and some fish lol

  • jumpy983
    Awesome to meet all of you moms (and animal lovers too lol). So is there any tips or tricks to doing this? It seems that when I get down 14lbs or so, it just ends. I'm not sure if I just give up or if I just stop trying or what but I seem to yoyo -14 +14 and end up back where I started. I'm determined this time to not let that happen. Have you girls had any successes? and if so, what was the one thing that kept you going?
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    I turn 29 next month. Two boys ages 5 & 3. I gained mine the first 3 years of being married (10 years in February).. so I've basically been overweight 8 years. Pregnancy worked well for me, always dropped pounds because they filled my stomach space! But always get back to 177. Seems the biggest thing is just sticking with it. The people that have stuck with it have lost weight and look great. So that's my goal. I've only done this 12 full days now. I've got 30 pounds to loose, so I figure that's a minimum of 1 year.. and by next Summer I shouldn't be afraid of cameras.

    31 chickens
    1.5 dogs
    1 cat
    20 rabbits
    1 cow
    2 horses
  • jumpy983
    Great to meet you! I would love to see pics of your horses. Always wanted one...seems like i will never have enough land or time lol :)
  • lalala06
    lalala06 Posts: 153
    I am 25, have 2 boys.. a 5yr old and a 3 year old.. and i've had 2 miscarriages , gained a lot of weight during my pregnancies.. at one point hit 230lbs :noway: lost most of it went down to 169, had a miscarriage, gave up gained it back putting me at 206.. now i am back on and have lost 23.4lbs putting me at 182lbs.. it's a bumpy ride and i wouldn't mind friends that could relate or just want to motivate and get motivated! :drinker: