PCOS and Metformin

brideson85 Posts: 31
This is regarding medical stuff and a medication I was prescribed, do not attack me over posting it here, I did so b/c it has to do with weight gain and loss....

So I have been having female health related issues since I had my daughter, all the things a body does to birth and support a baby my body apparently does not do. My girl is now 10 months old and very healthy, so all is well. But since I have had a Copper IUD (no hormones) and have had the OPPOSITE they said may happen with it. So I kept missing TTOM and taking tests and it being negative, I exercise and calorie count, but never lose more than MAYBE 2 pounds a month even when I was over 180 pounds (I am 5'3) finally after monitoring and blood tests and a sono last week my PA suspected I had poly-cystic ovaries. I do not present with pain or difficulty conceiving but my blood tests were wonky (initially she wanted to test my thyroid functioning.) So now I am on metformin. What I want to know is have anyone ever used or is on this? I post it here and my dr told me a side effect is weight loss, as people with PCOS tend to not lose weight around the middle (me) everything else is shrinking but that. I also know this is used to control insulin levels in type 2 diabetes. My PA wants me to see a nutritionist. I know that white flour, sugar and pasta is bad. I know fruit juice and soda is bad, I know most of this stuff, I have told her this but I guess she didn't believe me, but I guess it can't hurt. I have had headaches and nausea all day and yesterday since I started taking. Again, anyone have any experience with this med? For PCOS or Diabetes....? Feedback, or suggestions?


  • anyone? :(
  • wongleweed
    wongleweed Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, I am on Metformin for PCOS, and when first started it had some side effects - nausea etc. Hasn't really helped me lose weight. My Dr suggested a low Carb / low GI diet to deal with the insulin resistance
  • thanks so you are saying that these sick feeling may go away? B/c its miserable. lol
  • wongleweed
    wongleweed Posts: 35 Member
    yes, the nausea goes away after a while - think it lasted about a week. I have been on metformin for 6 years now
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    What is your dosage and how much are you currently taking? You should be on at least 1500 mg (anything less has been shown in studies to be ineffectual for PCOS). But, it's hard on the system initially so most people start with 500 and gradually work their way up. Yes, the side effects should go away with time. 2 to 4 weeks most likely. I still occasionally get some after 10 years on the meds.

    It won't make you lose weight. What it will do, is allow you to lose weight if you eat right and exercise. Well, you may have some initial weight loss due to the side effects. I was never able to lose weight before, when dieting and exercising. Once I was on Metformin, I was able to if I did the right things.
  • thank you, well my PA wrote a script for one a day 500 mg, but from you and a couple other things I have read I hear the same thing , that I will eventually need a higher dosage. Should I call her in a week? its weird, b/c I am leaving Cali in Feb (military) so I feel like everyone is sorta rushing things for me medically here, like appease the situation and let it be someone else's problem later. I have been eating well and exercising I hope to hell something works here b/c I initially thought I was missing my period bc of lifestyle changes....hmm I guess we will see, typically does the dr usually order blood tests in a specific time frame to ensure the dosage and your levels are ok?
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    A PA may not be the correct person to treat this and may not understand the dosage recommendations. Using Metformin for PCOS is an off label use so there aren't recommendations from the manufacturer. They have to be aware of the literature. 500 mg might be enough for a diabetic so they usually start there. Then if the person's blood sugar isn't controlled (which is the purpose of the drug) they up the dosage. But with PCOS, we're using it to improve insulin levels. If your Dr doesn't think you need a higher dose, make them test your fasting insulin levels. Mine were triple what they should have been before medication, and just a fraction elevated once I was on the meds.

    Did you have an insulin-glucose tolerance test too? That is what would truly tell you if you were insulin resistant. Not everyone with PCOS is IR. Not that the drug would hurt you if you weren't IR, but since it's not too fun to take, I wouldn't be taking it if I didn't need it.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Personally, I would seek out an endocrinologist or a reproductive endocrinologist for treatment. You don't need to be actively trying to get pregnant to see a reproductive endocrinologist.
  • noojim
    noojim Posts: 49 Member
    I've been on 3x500mg Metforming for 8 years now for PCOS. Can't say I've ever had any side effects of any noticable effects from it. It didn't help me lose weight or to get my hormones in check (low carb does both for me), but perhaps it's helped in that I've never got near to diabetes, even at my heaviest. I keep popping them pills... at least until I've shifted the rest of this weight.
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    I have diabetes type 2 but not PCOS. When I started metformin I got horrible headaches and body aches .. but they went away as I got use to the meds.
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