Tough Mudder

I am looking for some advice with the Tought Mudder race. I have recently done a mud run and I loved it. I am currently in training for a 1/2 marathon, which is 1 month before the Tough Mudder race. I am interested in doing the Tough Mudder race in about 3 months from now. I am considered overweight still and I do not have much upper body or really much strength right now, should I just stick to training for the 1/2 marathon or is tackling the Tough Mudder something that will be enjoyable and doable? Thanks!


  • I would go to the website and download the training workouts. If you can do the Tough Mudder training, then you could handle the event. If the beginning and/or intermediate workouts are really tough for might want to rethink it. Not saying you couldn't do the event, but...

    Good luck!
  • GeekyGirlLyn
    GeekyGirlLyn Posts: 238 Member
  • amaria9
    amaria9 Posts: 4 Member
    I've done the Tough Mudder in Colorado. Having a running base is great - it will serve you well!

    It depends on the events at your local Tough Mudder, but it's highly likely you will also need upper body strength. At the Colorado race I did, there were lots of events that required upper-body strength: monkey bars (about 20 over an ice-cold water pit), log carrying, wall-climbing (10 to 12 foot walls, so if you're not going with a team of people, then other Tough Mudder competitors will help you over the walls - be prepared to drop down when you get to the other side), running up the side of a half-pipe (people at the top will grab you and pull you up), etc. There was also climbing on the ground under wire and rope nets - definitely used my arms and chest. Other random events included going through a pond underneath huge barrels (brutal ice-cold, so wear goggles), running uphill while people sprayed you with a fire house (no joke), and the electrical wire pit (I didn't get shocked).

    Tough Mudder is totally do-able. Just have fun and don't be worried about your time! If you can recruit friends to join you, even better.