Just changed to MFP, advice?

Hi All
So I am new to MFP. Just joined last night. i've been using one of the paid online trackers for 3 years now (not sure if I can say it for copyright reasons). I have lost 63 pounds which is great amount of weight loss (225 to 162), but i've only lost about 7 of that in the last year. I still have 20-25 to go to get to goal weight. I was looking to do something different to get me back on the losing track. As I've been counting "points" over calories/fat/protein etc for the past 3 years, I'm really curious to know how this is going to work out. Anyone else out there done this? Tips? Suggestions? I'm hoping it'll give me a little more freedom with some foods. I do not eat things like Cottage cheese that a Iove because it was too "expensive" for my point intake. Cereal is also my breakfast staple and I've been living on Special K Red Berries and Cheerios and oatmeal for breakfast. Even cereals that are "good" for you are point costly.

A little more about me, 37 female. I also run about 14 miles per week and do weight training 3-4 days per week. I live in the Northeast US so with the winter coming I'm having to move my activity inside.


  • 19toots66
    19toots66 Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome....Great job on your "healthier you" journey so far!
    I think you will do fine transitioning over to MFP. Feel free to add me.
  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    Great job and my advice is to forget anything and everything you learned on that points system about what is "good" and what is "bad." Just start from here and eat healthy and track your calories. Don't try to combine the 2 plans because you will get all confused.

    Even better advice is to take that money you have been giving them every month and put it in savings somewhere because you are going to need some new clothes soon. MFP is much better than the points system - been there and done that myself!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    If eating that way is working for you, you may want to think about changing the MFP-set numbers for carbs/protein/fat. MFP sets carbs and 55% and protein at 15%, which don't really feel balanced if you're trying to lose fat and build muscle. It works for some, but what works better for most is to eat more protein and less carbs. I eat 30% protein, 40% carbs and 30% fat, which is what a many of the top nutritionists recommend. Just a suggestion. Welcome and good luck!
  • karenb125
    karenb125 Posts: 14 Member
    I just started MFP today and have also tried following a point counting diet which I really didn't like. I found it near impossible to stay within my points allowance without feeling really deprived and sick of fruit!
  • peanutbutterpretzels
    You'll like this site so much better!! :) I know I sure do :love:

    Welcome to MFP sweetheart! It's great that you've lost so much weight already, I can't even imagine losing that much weight myself. Feel free to add me if you like. Stay strong!

    <3 Lulu
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    if you try to convert points..you will have a hard time..i have done both...this site is WAY more food friendly....log what you eat...manipulate it with healthier foods...calculate your exercise..and look for support from friends...i find this site alot easier to use than the "pay" sites...you also get alot of different diet advice..i really shouldnt use the word diet..i will, however use the word "lifestyle changer", a healthier happier place to be!
  • invermont25
    invermont25 Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you for that advice. I am trying to build more muscle while losing fat and will change my settings!
  • slparker75
    slparker75 Posts: 8 Member
    I recently changed over too. I find that MFP is much easier for me to follow and I tend to eat healthier now than I ever did while tracking points.