Protein Powder

Hello all!
I've recently just started to take weightloss a little more seriously (i know, right before thanksgiving too haha) and I've noticed that a lot of people mention protein powder in their meals. What are the benefits of protein powder and why do you guys use it? Is it only used when losing "x" amount of weight or is it a rule of thumb?
Thanks so much!


  • Hi ya, I take maxi tone definity on the days I work out, which is 4 times a week. It feeds the muscles, so when the muscles tear during a workout the shake feeds them with protein to help with the toning. I'm training to be a personal trainer and would defo try some. You can get maxi tone sculptress which is for those wanting to loose weight as well as tone up.

  • edennew
    edennew Posts: 231 Member
    I use it to supplement my protein as i am shooting for 130 grams a day and am a vegetarian. I am also doing 4 days/week strength training and as Katiean says, it helps rebuild muscle. I use Jay Robb's chocolate whet protein which is delicious, doesn't affect blood sugar, is non GMO and has no additives.
  • I use Protein Powder to supplement my diet, as it helps me to hit my protein macro while staying easily within my caloric needs. It's quick and easy. I however do not value it above whole protein sources (which I prefer).

    It's also a part of "the whole picture" which includes picking up heavy things and putting them down repeatedly. :wink:
  • Protein shakes are a great, easy source of protein. I usually have one in the morning and sometimes add one later in the day if I need to up my protein. And it curbs your hunger! I recently switched to Garden of Life's Raw Protein (you can find it Whole Foods, The Vitamin Shoppe or any health food store). It's a great alternative to whey and soy protein shakes if you have any sensitivities to milk or soy. I add a cup of frozen blueberries or a frozen banana and a big handful of spinach (fresh or frozen). You can't taste the spinach!
  • brazerbramon
    brazerbramon Posts: 33 Member
    I'm a fan of plant based protein powders, its easier for my stomach to digest. But whey protein probably has a better amino acid structure since it is derived from animal sources (by product of the cheese making process I believe). Don't go for the cheapest powder available, make sure to buy quality.

    I also don't eat meat, so protein powder helps me obtain my protein intake goals. I highly recommend.
  • cshiy
    cshiy Posts: 2
    I am trying to eat vegetarian, so my protein intake isn't what this myfitnesspal recommends. So I add protein powder to my oatmeal in the morning. Easy way to get some in, doesn't change the taste of the oatmeal.
  • Lovin the idea of mixing fruit with protein shake never thought of that, I will be trying it. Ocean city sire do u take your shake before and after a workout? I do a mix workout of circuit training, weight training, boxing and spinning,I'm trying to get my abs out, want a stomach of steel. Iv changed my profile pic so u can see how I'm doin☺
  • Lovin the idea of mixing fruit with protein shake never thought of that, I will be trying it.
  • Katiean! Your tummy is looking great!
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    i use protein powder for 2 reasons the main reason is that it give you a great amount of protein after a workout to help build muscle the other is that its a great meal replacement that is only 200 or so calories
  • Thanks crankkitty, still needs. Some more work. I hope you find a suitable protein powder. X