30 Day Shred Question ...

... I'v read that when you start the 30DS you need a 5 Lbs weight.. I only have a1.5 Kilo (aprox. 3.3 Lbs) is that an issue? Will i need to get a heavier weight or will the one i have be fine to use?

- How heavy was the weights that you used ??

ALSO,, What other equipment will i need to buy ??


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Whatever weights you have is fine to start with, there's no magic weight number that you have to use.

    I find I need to keep a couple of cans of soup or filled water bottles to hand as well, in case my weights are too heavy for some of the exercise (biceps particularly).

    A mat is handy for the floor exercises, unless you're working on carpet. And keep a little towel handy, and some water to drink. I use gloves as well, but they're not essential.

    Have fun!
  • LMick1986
    I have three, five, and eight pound weights. I have found that I COULD use fives for some of the exercises, but I only use the threes because some of them are soooo tough! Especially once you start getting tired and you're doing the repetitive exercises. So the threes should be fine.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I'm a weakling and started with a 2. I've now worked my way up to a 3. :tongue:

    Do what you're comfortable with.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    you can use whatever you're comfortable with, the cardio aspect of it will still be there. I used 12 and 15 when I started.
  • Beth24793
    Beth24793 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanx guys :)
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    I use 3 lb weights and at some points they are actually too heavy. If you are used to lifting weights than you may want heavier but if you are just starting out that the ones you have should be fine :)
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    I've gone the 30 day shred twice before and both times I used 2kg (4.4lb) weights. My mum, when she does it, only uses tins of baked beans, but personally I like using my dumbbells because they are heavy enough to really make your muscles burn and you feel like you're making progress.

    In terms of how 'easy' they are to use, I found that they were fine for most of the exercises, but too heavy for these ones:
    Side lunge with shoulder raise (level 1)
    Chair squats with V raise (level 2)
    Jumping jacks with dumbbells (level 3).
    (So basically anything that involves lifting them up to shoulder height without bending the arm.)

    So I am asking for a set of 1kg or 1.5kg weights for Christmas to use for those exercises when I do the 30DS in future.

    I should think your 1.5kg weights will be fine. You can always buy some heavier ones if you don't think they are challenging enough after a few times of doing the shred.