You're doing it wrong if you're thinking "how skinny feels"



  • erinblaze86
    Love this post, but I have to say that "Nothing tastes as good as my family" made me LOL.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Perfect answer!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Besides, lots of things DO taste as good as skinny feels!

    If it don't taste good, it ain't worth putting in your mouth. In moderation.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    I want to be skinny! And I'd rather be skinny than eat three cinnabon treats like I used to-- that's how I interpret the saying. There is nothing wrong with being skinny, and skinny does not automatically mean no muscle and not healthy. I want to be skinny (as in the opposite of fat)! I'd prefer "fit" though, because I like my brain to see the word "strong" as my goal because I totally agree with you -- It is mentally easier to have a goal such as "size four" or "be able to lift X much" or "run X much" -- because our view of what "skinny" is changes all the time. There is a point where we can never be satisfied! So it's all about keeping a healthy mind. :)

    Nice post!
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Love this post, but I have to say that "Nothing tastes as good as my family" made me LOL.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Could not have been better stated. I've seen far too many "skinny" girls on here who will never live long enough to be like Auntie. They are slowly killing themselves by undereating, causing irreparable organ damage, nervous system problems and general unhappiness.

    Focusing on a random number on the scale is a horrible life to lead. Being controlled by some clothing manufacturer or digital scale is such a sad life. Using fashion models or actresses as a goal to aspire to is attempting the impossible. There are not riches and attention at the end of that rainbow - there are doctors, hospitals, and therapists.

    I know fear is seldom an effective motivator. But neither is the grave. Healthy food, and enough of it, combined with moderate exercise is the best anti-depressant and anti-aging prescription possible.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Mmmhmmm. And this thread is also an example of why when someone calls another person skinny, they usually mean it as a backhanded compliment or insult to their actual health, fitness and capabilities. I prefer slender, svelte, small or petite because it describes the natural body type (as well as all these other wonderful adjectives that relate to fitness, health and ability).

    And on a side note, it's sometimes fun to talk about yummy food.
  • RLehotsky
    RLehotsky Posts: 27 Member
    The question is! What is skinny? I always look at size. I don't even know what skinny is unless I see someone who is so thin you can see through her/him.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    And the best thing about the goals listed by the OP? You have to eat properly to reach them! :happy: :drinker:
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    Thread started out of kindness and concern:

    If you have that stupid aphorism "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" or any variation thereof going through your head at any time, you need to know, you're doing it wrong.

    It isn't about skinny. The idea that you would deny yourself enjoyment, or, in the extreme of this thinking, nourishment for the purpose of something as stupid and limited as being "skinny" is a particularly insidious thing that hurts primarily women. It is a very unhealthy way of looking at the world and your place in it.

    If you need some phrase to crystallize for yourself the importance of your long term goals relative to short-term pleasure or impulse, consider what your goals REALLY are. I'm all for sacrifice in the service of laudable valuable goals. Skinny ain't it though.

    "Nothing tastes as good as...
    [pick several]
    being strong
    feeling capable
    conquering obesity
    winning against diabetes
    building lean muscle
    hitting that per mile pace goal
    running that race that seems out of reach
    doing that mud run/obstacle run that seems out of reach
    squating X times my bodyweight
    lifting X amount with great form
    being mobile
    being flexible
    living well till I'm 100
    avoiding the wheelchair/back surgery/heart surgery/stroke/heart attack/osteoporosis/whatever that has plagued my family
    feeling proud and alive
    insert yours here

    Yeah, I have a dress size I'd like to fit into. And I could get there in a way that jeopardizes the goals I have on the list above. And that's the point. Skinny is fleeting and not necessarily healthy. Getting to skinny in a crazy way can cause way more problems than it will fix. Skinny is like the mountains in Arizona--you drive towards them and they seem like they're right there but the longer you drive the more they seem to move back right there but still out of reach. If "skinny" is all you want, you're probably not ever going to get there (everyone else will think you're there but you'll see a curve somewhere on your body and want to spot reduce it or some stupid thing like that).

    Let go of "skinny" and focus on what you actually mean underneath that word. Success? Popularity? Size 4? Not obese and plagued with health problems like Auntie Whoever?

    Skinny as a goal and deprivation as a strategy are not a way to find success or be healthy and happy on the way.

    So much truth.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    And the best thing about the goals listed by the OP? You have to eat properly to reach them! :happy: :drinker:

    Exactly. And every last one of the goals I thought of (and the ones others added) is more satisfying than the "skinny" that I think is being envisioned by the people I have talked to who are obsessed with "skinny". (and my point was that *sometimes* focusing only on skinny can start healthy and morph into disorder. Generally the healthy-minded folks who start looking for skinny add different NSV goals before their thinking turns disordered. I really deeply appreciate that most of you saw my post for what it was and not a swipe at slender individuals).
  • rltmom
    I so needed to hear this. Thanks!
  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    :love: Yes Yes Yes!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I want to be skinny! And I'd rather be skinny than eat three cinnabon treats like I used to-- that's how I interpret the saying. There is nothing wrong with being skinny, and skinny does not automatically mean no muscle and not healthy. I want to be skinny (as in the opposite of fat)! I'd prefer "fit" though, because I like my brain to see the word "strong" as my goal because I totally agree with you -- It is mentally easier to have a goal such as "size four" or "be able to lift X much" or "run X much" -- because our view of what "skinny" is changes all the time. There is a point where we can never be satisfied! So it's all about keeping a healthy mind. :)

    Nice post!

    I like how you think!

    Its funny because my family has used the word skinny forever and it has never had a negative association with it in my mind. It was always a compliment! Skinny has never meant sickly or unhealthy. I never realized people hated it so much til I got here.

    I want to be skinny AND eat bacon AND lift heavier and heavier weights!

    So Ive thought about that phrase and liked it. I absolutely understand where OP is coming from though.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    And the best thing about the goals listed by the OP? You have to eat properly to reach them! :happy: :drinker:

    Exactly. And every last one of the goals I thought of (and the ones others added) is more satisfying than the "skinny" that I think is being envisioned by the people I have talked to who are obsessed with "skinny". (and my point was that *sometimes* focusing only on skinny can start healthy and morph into disorder. Generally the healthy-minded folks who start looking for skinny add different NSV goals before their thinking turns disordered. I really deeply appreciate that most of you saw my post for what it was and not a swipe at slender individuals).

    No, I did not see it as that (I hope my comment did not seem that way).
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as still being here to watch my kids grow up.

    Nothing tastes as good as being able to climb the stairs in my house without huffing and puffing

    Nothing tastes as good as having the energy to outrun my 7 year old , hahha!

    I hate that saying too.
  • angieleemohler
    Its all about your interpetation of "Skinny" Getting leaner in al healthy way can feel skinny.....wearing a pair of skinny jeans!!! can be great.. and that feels so much better than the junk food tasted, that made you feel FAT. Many people dont like the word skinny because they have never felt even close to "lean". Eating really healthy and less calories...more fruit and veggies will get you there !!!!
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I cant do skinny, been there. Constantly cold and hungry. Im aiming for strong and just a tad leaner because I like peanut butter too much.
    And bacon.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I've never wanted to be skinny. That has a negative connotation to me, like skin stretched over a skeleton.

    Now slender - that's so much better in my mind.
  • roguestates
    great post! there are so many people with eating disorders or practicing disordered eating on MFP :(