For new runners out there

I got part of the way thru C25K awhile back, then slacked off. And don't feel very motivated to start again even though I know I should. I have this problem with negative thinking. I have never been a runner and have myself convinced that I won't be. I got to the part in the program where I had jogged 20min straight, then went on vacation and didn't pick it up when I got back. I am just hesitant because this evil voice in my head is saying, "Don't fool yourself, you're not a runner and you probably won't enjoy it anyways." I know...quite the downer right? So what I need is to hear how it paid off for you and now that you can run, how do you feel?


  • CoachFoland
    CoachFoland Posts: 564 Member
    I didn't do the C25K program, but a beginner plan from Runner's World that was to just get you to run for 30 min straight (no time requirement). I started the program June 7, and by the end, I loved it. I ran my first 5K at the end of Sept, and my first half Marathon at the end of Oct (by using a half marathon training plan that I started immediately after the beginner program).

    I am now training for my first Triathlon (May 9).

    I never considered myself a runner. I was never any good at it. But now, when I'm driving down the road, and see someone running, I get jealous of them. Running is my thing. It's my time. It's only about you and no one else. Once you find that while running, then it just all clicks. Oh yeah, go to a good running store, and get evaluated, and buy some good shoes that they recommend. It feels good to get out in those shoes, because those are the ones built for you!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I never thought I'd be a runner either but last summer I could run 2 miles straight on the treadmill. I literally answered my phone while doing so too...and I was not running light. I can't do it anymore but I'm working my way up. The other day I ran .3mph faster than I normally can and that even seemed really easy. Don't try to tell those thoughts you can, just prove them wrong. That's a big part of my motivation...I just want to prove that pesky little voice in my head that I'm right, that I can do it. Actions speak louder than words, right? :)
  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    i'm barely in week 2 of C25K and repeated week 1 because i am a weak runner. i can't wait until i can run 20 minutes straight! don't listen to the voice in your head because you already ARE a runner... do you think you have to run a marathon to be a runner? nope... you just gotta do it, even if it is running a half a mile... so hop back on that horse and get on it! and think of me being jealous of you running for 20 straight minutes! lol :D
  • cornboy72
    cornboy72 Posts: 175 Member
    I was the same way tried C25K 3 times before it finally worked. I was never a runner. Always hurt to run and resigned myself to say I was never going to be a runner. Then I found the program again... My father had passed away and I had gotten into some very self destructive behaviors. I started the program and when I got through the 9 weeks, I felt great. I kept running. Ran my first 5k for ALS (How my father succumbed) Ran another for ALS. Then said ok. I can do these how about a half marathon and off I went. Here I am almost 800 miles later with numerous races under my belt. I love picking different routes to train on. Gets me out and sees somethings I would have missed. You can run as fast or as slow as you want. No team competition, only against yourself if you choose. Or you can get ultra-competitive, but most of all is how good you feel after a run and how it gets you through those tough days. It always puts me in a better place when all is said and done.

    Those are my 2 cents. Anyone else?
  • thethrill
    I've only been running a few months. It's hard to get out there after a days work, kid's homework, kid's baths etc.. One thing that really keeps me motivated is that my dog needs to run and if I don't take her, i feel I'm letting her down. She's an Austrailain cattle dog and if you don't work them they get anxious and chew up your stuff. Running seems to really help. My goal is to one day run her hard enough that she pants. Right now we do 8-10 minute miles for up to 4 miles and it doesn't phase her at all.

    Good luck
  • AshleyTaylor2017
    AshleyTaylor2017 Posts: 155 Member
    Don't listen to that negative voice!! You can do it again! I am starting week 3 day 1 tonight and am a little nervous to run 3 mins straight and can't wait for the day I can run 20!! You've done it before!!
  • Nlongenecker
    don't listen to the voice in your head because you already ARE a runner...

    That's the problem...It's been 7 months since I could run 20 min straight, so I feel like I'm back at square one. But it is what it is. I need to just get my head right and start again...Thanks!
  • Nlongenecker
    I was the same way tried C25K 3 times before it finally worked.

    WOW, I needed to hear that. There's not going to be a better time than now to start. Thanks
  • Nlongenecker

    I am now training for my first Triathlon (May 9).

    In June I watched my hubby complete his 1st triathlon! I was so proud of him and pumped up. I told him I would do it this year (June 2010). But I have not been working at it. This is helping light a fire under me.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    find a nice place to run at, paths along that place where your ticker picture is at would be perfect and run run/walk in intervals (2 min walk, 30 seconds jog, 2 min walk, 30 seconds jog, etc). This builds up your endurance dramatically. In two weeks time you'll be able to jog for 20 minutes straight.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    what i would say is that. that negative thought in your mind. and trying changing that negative to a positive. like instead of sayin you will never be a runner say. oh boy you got to be wrong cause i am a runner :)
    or something like that.

    and its better to say it out loud. cause then you would be like did i just say that???
    cause words speaks louder than action
    but then again action speaks louder than your words you speaks.

    so it more of a both mix. cause you speak it you would wanna do it. instead of saying well its just one day. i can always do tomorrow but who knows if tomorrow comes. think of it like this. today your last day to live. i want to be able to achieve this today. cause tomorrow will never come.

    i hope that helps
  • sendmoretigers
    what worked for me was that when i was at the rec centre i used to go to, i would read magazines while i was on the bike, tried it while walking on the treadmill but couldn't, too jiggly. anyways, i'm a pretty voracious reader and, as the reading material was just magazines people going to the gym would leave when they were finished with them, i went through all of it pretty quickly. i wouldn't touch the celebrity/entertainment/gossip magazines but someone had left about a years worth of runner's world so out of necessity i picked those up and read them. there was a really good variety of stories and interviewsand articles, all about running, that after a little while, i was walking on the treadmill and said to myself "why don't i trying jogging a little bit" and was able to do it for about three minutes. hearing about stuff from people who already do it makes it sound so much more appealing and now i love running. starting out barely able to do 2 minutes on the tradmill and now i average over 6k before breakfast. check out, my name there is sendmoretigers. also, as a runner, you get to, nay, have to buy new shoes regularly! new shoes! if that doesn't do it for you i don't know what will!!!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    don't listen to the voice in your head because you already ARE a runner...

    That's the problem...It's been 7 months since I could run 20 min straight, so I feel like I'm back at square one. But it is what it is. I need to just get my head right and start again...Thanks!

    I understand how you feel.... I've been "running" now for almost 4 years a few times a week- but I can't even bring myself to call it running. I am a "jogger". I have jogged up to 6 miles at a shot just for exercise and I participated in two 5K races last year (and wasn't last!!) I am currently registered for a 5 MILE race on April 24 - and my goal is to do it in an hour or less, I am very much looking forward to it.

    I guess it's the speed thing, I'm not fast... I can go far and it feels good - but I am not fast (I do an 11-ish minute mile). That's why I call it jogging, and I do it for fun and for exercise to burn calories- I am not die-hard into it, it's more of a hobby for me.

    But yea, people tell me I'm a runner - but I just don't see it that way!
  • dchief30
    dchief30 Posts: 129 Member
    I too thought I would never be a runner but in a year I can run 7 miles in 1 hr 15 min witch is ok but i started walking 2 miles so if me and my wife can do it i know anybody can run just keep running God Bless
  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    I have never been a "runner". I am a very slow jogger, but I find it one of the most effective sources of exercise for me. Eight years ago, I signed up for a group called San Jose Fit, a marathon training program. When I signed up, my goal was just to be able to maybe complete a 10K run. I laughed at the idea of doing a marathon. I was in the slowest group, and we did a run walk program (run 4 min, walk for 2). I averaged about a 13 minute mile. In October of 2002, I completed the Silicon Valley Marathon. It took me over 6 hours, but I crossed that finish line and earned my medal. In October of 2003, I completed the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC. Again, over 6 hrs (but faster than the first), but I was so proud and had a great time. In March of 2004, I completed the London Marathon (yes, London, England!), again over 6 hours, but only just!

    I wish I could continue the list of accomplishments, from there, I somehow fell out of it, stopped jogging, and gained a lot of weight. Here I am six years later and this last Sunday I completed my first run in 6 years. A 5K that took me over 43 minutes to do, but I'm back out there and I feel great about it. Talk about starting all over again back at square one! I am starting at square one plus 20 lbs over where I was when I first started jogging in 2002 (and that's after losing some weight with MFP)!

    I, too, have seen the runners/joggers out on the path and been envious of them and that sense of accomplishment and adrenaline at the end of a run. This morning I did D1W1 of C25K because I want to try and get my speed up a bit and with doing the intervals, I can run the shorter periods of time at a faster pace than when I just start going for as far as I can without stopping. The one thing I think most beginning runners do that makes it miserable for them is running too fast for their ability. Isn't it better to go slower and not hate it than to go faster and never run again because it was too hard? (Maybe I'm just trying to slow everyone else down so I don't feel so bad about my own pace :wink: ).

    Anyhow, give it a shot, make adjustments (go faster, go slower, go on a treadmill, go outside, whatever) that make it more bearable for you. Trust me, the most unlikely people can complete marathons! I don't know if I'll ever do another one, but I do know that I have felt much happier and healthier since I started back up again!

    Good luck!
  • Nlongenecker
    Just wanted you to know that I just completed Week 1 Day 1-Couch to 5K this evening thanks to all your encouraging words and great examples, i am back on the wagon. THANKS!!:flowerforyou:
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    Just wanted you to know that I just completed Week 1 Day 1-Couch to 5K this evening thanks to all your encouraging words and great examples, i am back on the wagon. THANKS!!:flowerforyou:

    YOU ARE very WELCOME :)
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I don't know what it is about running, but no other source of exercise does it to me. I was up to six miles at a time and I was still at 220# (5'11'' female), so it's definitely more about mind over matter :) I slipped on the ice and injured a tendon so I just started running again and am starting slow and steady, but it is just so invigorating! It gives me a rush of adrenaline that no other exercise, even a solid hour on the elliptical, can give me. I always feel so great after running and I definitely believe in that runners high! Plus it's easy for me to have a bad eating day and jump on the elliptical and gross and bloated, but when I run I respect my body so much more and it helps me keep my eating in check! Good luck with it and keep us up to date!!