Trouble in Maintainence land

paulkj Posts: 163 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I reached my goal weight about 3 months ago and, until recently, I am having trouble maintaining it. I have gone up 3 pounds (I know that’s not a lot) and can’t seem to lose them. I work out for an hour 6 days a week; 3 days aerobics or running/2 days weight training/1 day yoga.

I eat well especially during the week and make sure that I don’t go over my calorie limit. As a matter of fact, I have reduced it due to the extra weight gain. I will splurge once every one to two weeks depending on if I am going out with friends.

I burn approximately 350 - 480 cals with my aerobic/running workouts and 200 with weight training and 110 with my yoga. I consume anywhere from 1200-1300 cals per day and I still can’t get back down to my goal weight.

This is becoming extremely frustrating as I don’t know what else to do.

Any suggestions, comments, helpful tips would help.

Thanks in advace.


  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Make sure you're eating ENOUGH. Sounds an awful lot like you're not, especially with all that exercise. It's hard to say how much that should be, not knowing your height, weight, BF%, but even a 130lb woman needs at least 1600-1700 to maintain, so try upping your calories to 1600 a day AND EAT your exercise cals! Try this for a couple weeks and see what happens =)
  • aerome
    aerome Posts: 171 Member
    I agree with the poster above. Try upping your calories and see if that makes the difference.
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