Losing the weight before a pregnancy!

My husband and I want to try to get pregnant in Jan. or Feb. I have about 9lbs left to lose and I'm determined to be at my goalweight before that. With my first 2 I was almost 20lbs heavier and gained quite a bit of weight. Anyone else trying to lose some weight before trying for a baby?


  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
  • I'm also trying to lose weight before pregnancy!
  • My husband and I got married last November then tried for a baby right away but because I went on a major diet to fit into my dress and prep my body for a pregnancy we didn't conceive right away. Just keep that in mind if at first you don't succeed but don't get discouraged! We got our baby not too long after all the stress had settled. To already be 20lbs lighter this round is a great start! Keep it up and good luck!
  • jennybaby89
    jennybaby89 Posts: 44 Member
    I am in the same boat, but for my first pregnancy! My husband and I will have been married for 2 years in April, together for 6 in June. We're looking at May to start trying. I won't be at my ideal weight, but I don't know if I want to wait any longer than that to start trying because we're anxious already! I had lost 60 pounds before the wedding and was feeling great! I wish I had maintained back then, but it slowly crept back on. So here I am again, hoping to lose 40 (maybe 50 if I'm realllllllly good) pounds by May so we can start trying. I plan to keep loosing until the stick reads positive! I'd love some friends on here who are loosing weight to get pregnant.
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm doing the same thing :-) We also want to start a family after the holidays and I'm trying to drop some weight before we try again. I'm trying to loose 10-20 lbs and have been up and down this past year. Now it's crunch time since I'm almost out of diet time.
  • I'm right there with you! My husband and I have been married for a year and a half. Although we don't plan on TTC until sometime around Summer 2014, reaching (and MAINTAINING) my goal weight is at the top of the list of things I want to accomplish before that time comes. :)
  • NLang1989
    NLang1989 Posts: 24 Member
    I am as well. My husband and I have been trying since May. I've been to the doctors and I have something wrong were I am not releasing an egg. My progesterone levels were really low. I just found out the other day that my pills are working and I'm losing the weight so I don't become a high risk pregnancy and am able to work while pregnant
  • I think it's great that you're all trying to lose weight before having a baby. Just don't let it stop you from starting a family because you never know what could come up. I was 203 lbs when I found out I was pregnant. Luckily I only gained 26 lbs during my pregnancy and I had lost all the baby weight by my 6 week appointment. It just came off naturally. Being a stay at home mom made me blow up though. I just wasn't getting as much movement as I was used to. When my son turned a year old I was up to 217.6 lbs and that's when I finally decided something had to change. I'm down to about 184 now and I'm really happy again. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the motivation for me to actually start dropping some weight came from being with my son and playing with him and just noticing how much all that weight affected me. Good luck ladies!
  • JaziH
    JaziH Posts: 19 Member
    My husband and I have been together for 6 yrs, married for 4 yrs. We are in the NTNP (not trying, not preventing) category. I had been on BC since 2004 and had to come off suddenly in April 2012 due to PE's (blood clots in both lungs). We have since decided that would love to have a little one. Losing weight is really important to both of us so I can have a healthy, uncomplecated pregnancy and to pass on healthy habits to any childre we have.
  • Hello, My name is Claudia and Im triying to loose some weight for the same reason, Im triyin to get pregnant of my first baby. Sorry if my write is not great but Im from Guatemala and here we speek spanish
  • emboss03
    emboss03 Posts: 36 Member
    I've already had one child, but I was a high risk pregnancy and ended up delivering by emergency c-section at 30 weeks. Our daughter is now 2 and thriving very well. We want to start trying for number 2 after the first of the year, but I told my husband that I really don't want another pregnancy like I had before. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes and my ultimate goal would be to get off medications and have a doctor's OK to get pregnant before even going off birth control. So far I've lost about 7 lbs and I really would like to lose at least another 20 or so before we start trying, but more importantly than that, I just want to get my health under control. Let's stick together ladies and have healthy pregnancies!!! :)
  • mwillis8002
    mwillis8002 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone! My hubby and I are going on 9 yrs being married and found out last year that we would have to do ivf. My doctor told me I needed to lose 10% before we start. Our plan was jan 2013, so it's crunch time for me too. I kept putting it off, but I'm finally ready to get serious about my health.

    I don't know if everyone knows but there is a ttc group on here that's pretty great. Anyway good luck to everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Its awesome you are doing this and will make for a much smoother pregnancy. I did the same thing but prior to it we had tried 3 years with no success and I was extremely depressed because of it so I gained like 80lbs. Then I decided I was going to lose that weight and then some and hope for the best. After losing all that weight we successfully became pregnant (when we had given up trying but weren't using any BC). So I think being in shape with great health is a really good starting point. You can also keep working out throughout the pregnancy :) I didn't and gained most of it back... now trying to get that off. Good Luck to you and everyone else TTC! :)
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    I am glad I am not the only one trying to lose weight before getting pregnant. I have 20 lbs to lose before starting anything that's my goal. We can do it ladies
  • NicolaJ13
    NicolaJ13 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too! Good Luck everyone xx
  • artslady96
    artslady96 Posts: 132 Member
    It is a wonderful idea to loose weight before conceiving a baby. Not only will it help with conception since extra weight can throw off a woman's cycle, but it also will ensure a healthy pregnancy.

    The idea of having a baby with my husband, our first baby, is my primary motivation to loose weight. I have lost sixty pounds so far and hope to loose another twenty before we start trying. However, I'm starting to feel antsy about having a baby. I'm going to give myself until the new year and then hope that, even if I'm not at goal, that I've lost enough weight to help me. I also plan to continue dieting until I conceive.

    The way I see it, so many women don't even worry about their weights before conceiving, that we are putting ourselves in good places even if we conceive before reaching ideal. For example, even just loosing sixty pounds puts me in a better place than if I hadn't lost it.

    Good luck, everyone! I hope we all achieve our goals with weight and family.
  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks to all of you who replied. Its good to know I'm not the only one trying to achieve this goal.I'm getting real excited that I'm this close :) Only 9 1/2 lbs till I reach my goal weight and I have Nov and Dec left to do that!
  • I was over weight when I got pregnant and lost weight during the pregnancy. I ate so well...Healthy kids too.
  • yeah same here. My husband and I are hoping for a second one right away, it would be great to lose at least 10lbs, ideally I need to lose 20lbs but even 10 would be a great start.
  • Lady_Taylor
    Lady_Taylor Posts: 46 Member
    I have never wanted to lose weight so bad in my life. September 2012, My husband and I miscarried our first child at 5 months Pregnant. We had a very complecated pregnancy due to my health. Now, its only been a few months and my husband's ready to start a family again. But my main focus for the past few weeks has been losing 40 pounds and being healthy. Feel free to Add me, I could use some support.