Bikram Yoga is the BOMB.COM

Just finished my second class of Bikram and boy do I feel good!! Anyone else a fan?? The only thing that made me mad was they made me take off my heart rate monitor- i was just curious to see how hard i was working/how many calories i would burn. Anyone else know? Some sites that i look at say you burn around 800-900 for my weight, but i think that sounds too high. I would think I burn at least 500 though.


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I was going for a little bit but its really expensive, I wore my hrm in the first time and I burned 235 calories, my heart rate just didn't really get up, I am a runner and have a very low resting heart rate so it depends on the person... but I sure was sweating a lot, it feels so good! I need to go back again.

    ~Leash :heart:
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    LOVE hot yoga (bikram-style)! Why did they make you take your HRM off? I wear mine all the time and during the 90min class I burn 600+cals. I also take a shortened 60min class (still all 26 poses but some we do only once) and I burn anywhere from 300-400cals during that session.
  • allim
    allim Posts: 21
    Yup- I am a MASSIVE fan of Hot Yoga. But, it is indeed expensive so I only get to go every other week. That is funny what you said about the heart rate monitor because I had the same discussion with a friend about whether or not we should try to wears ours and then we decided that it would most likely tick people off.

    I have also heard that you burn 600 Calories an hour. I also do Power Yoga at home so what I did is wore my Polar during a 30 minute session of that- just to get somewhat of an idea and i hit 180 calories / so 360 for an hour. Add the intense heat and I would not be surprised if you burned 600 calories during Hot Yoga......
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    I always turn off all the beeps on my HRM so that it doesn't bother anybody.
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    Hi there!

    I wore my HRM a few weeks ago to Bikram and I burned 1180 calories in the 90 minute class! It of course depends on your shape and how much you push yourself, but everything I've read says the average is around 800. I love Bikram -- it's such a great workout!
  • workoutqueen628
    The instructor made me take the watch part off. Meanwhile I continued the whole class with my waistband on. I am going to sneak it in during the morning class or stand in the corner where the instructor can't see me next time!! Lol, I'm a newbie so I do moderations of a lot of the poses, but I just want to get a feel for how hard im working!