piriform syndrome-recommendations

I have been running a few miles a day, for a few months. My right hip has become painfully stiff. My chiro says piriform syndrome. Looking for any recommendations of anything that worked for some of you. Supplements, time off, stretches??-thanks


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It's hard to really describe exercises in comments, so I would recommend that you search "piriformis syndrome" both on Google and You Tube. It's not uncommon among runners and you can find some good exercises/stretches.

    Stretching is the most important part of treatment. However, you can also work on your internal and external hip rotators. It might take a little more searching to find exercises for these areas, but you tube and google can be helpful as well.

    In particular, I have found one stretch to be helpful and I will try to describe it. You need to sit on a firm, flat surface--weight bench works OK. Sit up straight with your feet on the ground and knees at a 90 degree angle. Cross one leg "guy style"--the ankle of the "crossed" leg is resting outside the knee of the opposite leg, with the lower part of the "crossed leg" as parallel to the floor as possible.

    Keeping the back straight, bend forward at the hips. It's important that you move the torso -from the hips to the shoulders-- as an integrated unit--no bending of the lower back or slumping of the shoulders. You should feel the stretch right at the "point" of your butt as it meets the bench. You won't have to bend forward very far--the head may move only 6 inches or so.

    Hold the stretch for just a second or two and move back to start. Repeat this for 3 sets of 10.

    There are other stretches and exercises, and foam roller things that will help as well. This was the most useful stretch that I found really brought me back after about 8 months of suffering.
  • itsmedicinalbacon
    thank you!!
  • dkingtn
    dkingtn Posts: 5 Member
    Also try a foam roller, that will help stretch the piriformis. My PT also suggested a tennis ball between your hip and the wall, gently press on it where it hurts...sooo good.
  • itsmedicinalbacon
    thank you! got it!!