HATE my scale today.

I'm just starting out on losing weight again. I've done this before and lost 25 lbs and stayed at that healthy weight for a few years, but a few relationships that got too "comfortable" and now I'm even heavier than when I started last time around. I do remember that my weight loss seemed pretty consistent and quick at first so I don't understand why I'm struggling so much to make any progress. I weighed myself yesterday morning and had lost 4 lbs so far. I did a Jillian Michaels workout and ate well all day yesterday, stayed under my 1200 calorie goal, and somehow gained 3.6 lbs when I weighed myself again this morning! I was dripping sweat through that workout and I'm pretty sore today so I know I worked hard. I just don't get what I'm doing wrong to cause that kind of weight gain. Any ideas or suggestions?


  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I'm just starting out on losing weight again. I've done this before and lost 25 lbs and stayed at that healthy weight for a few years, but a few relationships that got too "comfortable" and now I'm even heavier than when I started last time around. I do remember that my weight loss seemed pretty consistent and quick at first so I don't understand why I'm struggling so much to make any progress. I weighed myself yesterday morning and had lost 4 lbs so far. I did a Jillian Michaels workout and ate well all day yesterday, stayed under my 1200 calorie goal, and somehow gained 3.6 lbs when I weighed myself again this morning! I was dripping sweat through that workout and I'm pretty sore today so I know I worked hard. I just don't get what I'm doing wrong to cause that kind of weight gain. Any ideas or suggestions?

    it is possible that it is water weight. I have learned a few things in the last 10 months of my journey--

    a) If you work out 3 days in a row, do NOT weigh in on the 3rd day...you'll probably weigh more.

    b) sometimes it takes a day or 2 to show loss after a good workout.

    c) weight loss is not linear. Sometimes you'll lose 2lbs, then gain 1.5 back. it isn't anything *wrong* that you have done, but it is something with hydration levels or something similar.
  • I'm new but have decided not to weigh on anything but a scale that you actually have to move the weights and balance them. Seems to mee you can't go wrong with them. No batteries, not digital. no calibration needed, just balance. Oh yeah doesn't muscle weigh more than fat?? So maybe your workouts have built muscle. Just something to think about. :happy:
  • jusme085
    jusme085 Posts: 16 Member
    ^^^^Right on Sarah, I totally agree!!

    Meaurements are my key to staying on the weighloss train. Last week i put on 1 kg after doing everything right! Took my measurements yesterday and I have lost 1 - 3cm's on stomach, arms and legs which is the actual goal yes? Just dont weigh yourself as often, get into taking measurements, if you are working out hard and eating healthy thats where the results will show!!!!
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    First of all: you are more than a number on your scale
    Second: if you are working out and eating well, the long term results WILL BE WEIGHT LOSS. it is straight up science.
    Thinking on a daily basis can be a psychological rollercoaster!
    My advice is to not look at the scale so much! The things that feel best are when jeans start fitting better or working out hard and being proud of the work you've done!
    Keep on trucking and try not to feel demoralized by your scale, your weight changes daily! it could be water weight, from rehydrating after a hard work out, it could be your cycle, it could be muscle repairing itself our body fluxes naturally so much, your scale is a better guide than it is an indicator of your progress.
    chin up!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    If you work out really hard, your muscles retain water so you will see a gain on the scale every time.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    i hate my scale everyday.

    in fact...i hate scales in general.

    i look better now @ 142lbs than i did at 125lbs.

    ignore the scale, pay attention to the mirror.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Make sure you are paying attention to your sodium levels. It's most likely just water weight.
  • Keep in mind that humans invented scales to track progress, not to be the progress itself. You know you have been eating right and exercising. Trust yourself.

    (I completely realize this is much easier said than done because I've just about weighed myself for the 3rd time today and I've definitely let the scale dictate emotional binges before...)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    ^^^^Right on Sarah, I totally agree!!

    Meaurements are my key to staying on the weighloss train. Last week i put on 1 kg after doing everything right! Took my measurements yesterday and I have lost 1 - 3cm's on stomach, arms and legs which is the actual goal yes? Just dont weigh yourself as often, get into taking measurements, if you are working out hard and eating healthy thats where the results will show!!!!


    this is me in '09 at about 200lbs
    0120100909 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    this is me last week at 197lbs.
    IMG00817-20121113-0848 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    in the second picture, my measurements are VERY similar to what they were 8 years ago when I was 175lbs. The scale may not say what I want it to, but if my measurements tell me that I wear a size I haven't worn in 17 years...and if I have strength and muscles that I have never seen before, I'll be just fine.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Measurements! For sure. My measurements around my waist and stomach pooch are the same as they were when I weighed 118 even though I'm currently 132. Your weight means very little to how you look and feel, which are so much more important!

    Also read this http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/
  • Right on! Don't give up! Keep going! You have to remember your weight fluctuates!
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    1) if your muscles are sore, you ARE retaining water. There is nothing you can do about it. A good solid workout that leaves your muscles in need of recovery enough for them to be sore, is you retaining anywhere up to 4 lbs of water in the muscles efforts to recover.

    2) I found losing weight harder when I started buckling down this time too (Was 290, got down to 185 and got comfortable. Gained 35 back and instead of losing 10 a month like I did the first time on Weight Watchers, it took me a year to buckle enough to lose the 45 I've now lost since getting back at it.) It's finding your new equilibrium. Your body changes, gets accustomed to things. You might need to change up your approach, but it will get there if you're making even a single healthy change. It might take a bit, but that bit is in the right direction. :)
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    A 3.6 lb weight gain OVERNIGHT usually has nothing to do with excessive caloric intake. From the math involved, you would have had to eat close to 10,000 calories above and beyond any calories you burned ( just by being alive and also exercising) YESTERDAY to cause that kind of weight gain. Did you eat two large pizza hut pizzas by yourself yesterday? Probably not.

    The weight gain is most likely due to water retention from either strenuous workouts or higher than normal sodium intake, or some combination thereof.

    Don't panic. Keep doing what you're doing, but I would STRONGLY recommend that you don't weigh yourself daily until you can stop letting the number on the scale determine your mood for the day, and until you stop letting that number on the scale beat you up.

    Weigh yourself once a week or so. DON'T EVEN PEEK at it during the week.

    Continue to make healthy choices regarding food and portion size.

    Relax and enjoy the lifestyle change. If you view it as torture, you're less likely to stick with it.

    As we say in AA ... Keep Coming Back!

    ETA: For the record, I found that my GREATEST weight loss rate was when I set my caloric intake to between 1300 and 1700 calories per day. Just sayin'.
  • Throw the scales out! Use measurements and photos to keep motivated. And only measure/weigh in once a week at the same time each week, I can move several KGs in one day
  • Ashsmith07
    Ashsmith07 Posts: 30 Member
    I never knew that about muscles retaining water, that does make me feel a lot better! I think that's true, I probably am weighing myself too frequently. I find the days that I see results on the scale to be very motivating so I guess I get carried away checking in. Everyone's input was really helpful, thanks guys! :)