Specific Calorie Goal or Range?

Do you try to eat the specific calorie goal assigned to you by mfp or do you try to stay within a range (example: 1,200-1,300)?


  • EternalLife
    EternalLife Posts: 31 Member
    I stick to 1200, but I usually have one day every two weeks or so where I go between 1200-1500 so I can have a treat of some kind. Gives me something to look forward to without making me feel bad :smile:
  • kingnatalie
    kingnatalie Posts: 163
    I try to stick to my goal number of calories.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I try to stick to my set number just because I'll feel bad and like I'm not controlling myself if I don't. I used to be reeally bad at overeating and every now and then I just want to eat everything in the house. If I'm within my set calorie intake, I feel like I'm doing something right... I like being in control of myself.
  • imdamom
    imdamom Posts: 42
    I have my weight loss goal set to 2 pounds which puts me at about 1500 calories a day. I know that at a 1 1/2 pound loss, the calorie goal is about 1700 a day. While I always try to stick to the 1500 a day, I know that I can go as high as 1700 and still have a loss if I need or want the extra calories on any given day.