Help, Please?!

I've lost focus. I have failed. I have gained. I HAVE to get this figured out. I need some help in being able to eat healthy while on a budget. I live in a small town and the "natural" options at our grocery store are few and VERY expensive. Any suggestions?

I just feel like such a failure. I was doing so well and now I have just lost it the last few weeks. I'm just feeling like such a failure and that makes me eat because I am emotional.


  • r3ban1x
    r3ban1x Posts: 51 Member
    It's hard to eat well on a budget. We stick to lentils, rice, and frozen vegetables around here when we're broke. And I get a few dozen free eggs from my dad's farm every few months so that helps. Bulk dry, canned, and frozen foods are good to mix into a soup or casserole. Not that my weightloss has gone all that well but maybe that'll help a little.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I totally agree with lentils, dry beans, brown rice, etc. Also I try not to think of eating "healthy" and think of "nutritious" instead. Healthy feels limited and nutritious feels more like making sure that I am getting the nutrition that I need and then I can have some extras which helps me stick to this long term. Good luck!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    You have lost 11lbs, that is NOT FAILURE!!!

    I think you can achieve weight loss on a budget or not.
    The other poster had some good suggestions - frozen, canned, etc.
    Eat more of what is healthy and in your budget - ie if you can only afford apples one week - eat alot of them!

    I think that eating more healthy options is a good idea, but if you can't always afford them what ideally makes you lose weight is a CALORIE DEFICIT.....

    So if all your days aren't healthy, still make sure to stay within your calorie goal and you will get there.
    I also feel exercise helps, doesn't have to be anything fancy or at a gym. Being active is always a benefit.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Definitely have NOT failed. If you had, you wouldn't be here realizing you need to make some changes. I know how hard it is to eat on a budget. For years, my husband and I struggled and every year, when we would get more money, we SLOOOWLY would substitute things we ate. Instead of processed lunch meat, I eat chicken breasts. Instead of mac and cheese, homemade tomato sauce and pasta....little things. But, one thing we learned over the years is that buying bulk and cooking items ourselves helps IMMENSELY. For instance, refried beans. First, started with getting a few cans, then turned into bulk cans. Now, it's turned into buying a huge bag of pinto beans, cooking a big batch, and freezing them in ziplocks. Saves money and the sodium is cut with the freshness being MUCH better. Small example.

    What type of budget do you have to work with every month? How much do you/can you spend on groceries and where do you live? Cost of living and the amount you can spend are HUGE factors we can all use to help you determine what changes you can make. :-)
  • ariesmom07
    ariesmom07 Posts: 57 Member
    We are on a budget as well a very tight one and since changing the things we eat things have definitely gotten more expensive. We eat ALOT of salad here...also tuna chicken and frozen veggies. I eat alot of rice and beans my husband doesn't like them unfortunately but I absolutely love beans...they are very filling. I like to cook up rice beans and add chicken and veggies to it maybe a little cheese if I want it to be more like a casserole. Also we eat alot of oatmeal and eggs and another semi cheap low calorie thing for salads and breakfast food is canadian bacon! Love it! But at the end of the day your deficit is the most important can still do it eating bologna sandwiches lol throw in a salad and it helps make you feel more full. I really eat salad with makes me feel like I'm eating more without packing on the calories.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Eating on a budget has its own problems. Look for sales on meat and buy ahead if you can. Frozen veggies are great use them in everything. Produce doesnt have to be organix. Try new options like leek and potato soup, or ground beef casserrole with tomatoes and some rice. Look over you adds and make a game plan to get the most for your buxk. My mom feed us (3) on a single parents paycheck. Lots of beans and cornbread. But if you look at it with a eye for budfet you will come out on tap.
  • CMMia17
    CMMia17 Posts: 42 Member
    I know how you feel. I couldn’t afford to buy chicken for a month, and I usually bought the chicken tenders pack for around $20 at BJ’s and it would last me a month. I always suggested the Abs diet books to my friends because it was helpful for me to begin to understand how the body works. I also used it as my beginners guide to healthy eating. It explained what foods are nutritious and why. You can find the same kind of information online or skim through the book at the store. You can find the older versions in the bargain sections too. I think what worked best for me was understanding how my body works and what nutritious foods I need to fuel my body with. Some other sources I look at is Muscle Fitness for Her. Its that body building magazine for women. I personally do not want to body build and this is not my ideal body image, but I do find good tips for eating or working out on their website and magazines.
  • CMMia17
    CMMia17 Posts: 42 Member
    One more thing. Any time you feel bad or feel like a failure, argue with yourself. “What makes me a failure? Can I really justify that I am failure? Is there supporting evidence?”
    I also do my best to notice the little steps I take to make a change. You have already taken the step to put a post looking for tips, applaud yourself! Always celebrate the little things you do to make a positive change in your life!
  • triggsta
    triggsta Posts: 140
    Look at buying food online :) I've been buying shirataki noodles from Amazon recently. I know there are a lot of services that deliver fresh fruits, I'm sure you can find the same for veggies and other healthy foods.

    It's hard, but you gotta work around the obstacles life throws at you. Just keep it up and keep striving!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    We all feel like that sometimes. You are not a failure. You can do this. Just start logging your foods and you will learn a lot about what you are eating. Then you can start tweeking your foods till you are healthfully under your daily calorie goal. Start out exercising by walking everyday. Maybe down the block, then around the block, then around 2 blocks... You can do this, really. You need to write down why you would like to become healthy and your personal goals. Read them outloud to yourself everyday. Look in the mirror and say that you are worth doing this for. Please feel free to add me for support and encouragement.

    I live in a tiny town with a little grocery store where prices are high. I am on disablility and have to live on a tight budget. I buy lots of canned goods because they are cheaper than fresh produce. I also buy a little meat and stretch it out by making soups. I eat a lot of eggs for protein.