Has anyone tried Jazzercise?

I just purchased a Groupon for Jazzercise. I'm excited to start, but also a bit worried that I'm not going to be able to keep up, and that I'll be the heaviest person there.


  • ChristinaDawn7
    ChristinaDawn7 Posts: 19 Member
    I used to go to Jazzercise for a few years. It's a fun way to exercise and the time flies by. Don't worry about keeping up, there are people of all different levels in the class. And they repeat the same songs for a few weeks, so you can improve through time. The only reason why I don't still go to Jazzercise is because I go to Zumba now, which is very similar (but mostly Latin music).
  • lisamariebennett
    lisamariebennett Posts: 32 Member
    I've been doing Jazzercise off and on for years. LOVE it! The first two weeks are the hardest. Then you realize that it's the same 10-15 dance moves, just in a different order to a different song.

    Stand towards the middle, where you can see the people's feet on the front row. It's easier to watch the people in front of you's feet than the instructor's, and the people in the front usually know what they are doing.

    The instructor should show "low-impact" moves. Make sure you do these, especially with the faster, higher-impact songs. The website also has videos that show some of the moves.

    Don't worry about trying to keep up. Just keep moving, and you'll burn calories no matter what you're doing!