Very new

Hi Ladies and Gents ;)

I'm Carrieann I'm 23 I've been married for 3 years (It'll be 4 in July) My Husband is in the Army so we are currently living in Germany. Before we got married I was over weight and just not happy so while he was deployed I decided to find something that I enjoyed to keep me busy (Besides going to school full time and working 2 jobs) I fell in love with running. I lost 50 lbs and was learning to love myself, it was an interesting journey.

He came home from Iraq for a few weeks and we got married, he left and soon after I found out I was pregnant (They told me I could never have children). The dr. told me the weight loss probably played a huge roll, I tried really hard to stay active and healthy but it was really hard on me, with him being gone, Did I mention he has custody of his son from a previous marriage so here I am newly married, pregnant and raising a 3 year old little boy on my own. But I took the challenge as well as the 40 lb weight gain.

Now here I am back up to my High School weight and having a much harder time. New country, new (AMAZING) food,

I have recently found Shakeology and Chalean Extreme and I'm addicted.
But I do know this would be alot easier if I had others helping me through this.

I hope to meet some of you amazing/insipiring people!
