Gave up on myself, But now I am back!

Hi all! I have been on here almost a year, and I have had many ups and downs. Lately more struggling than anything. I have deleted many friends that have simply "given up" on me, and themselves. I sign on daily and it is so depressing not to see 1 bit of encouragement anymore. I am guilty too..some days are just to hectic to comment on status updates etc, and also sometimes my cell's app freezes too much, but I try my best! I am not gonna lie to you or myself...I was 2lbs (yes 2lbs) away from my goal, and I blew it. I have re-gained 11lbs, and I am disgusted in myself. It is time for me to get rid of it....but I need all the help I can get! Let's try to help one another! Please feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey to weight loss!! =)


  • alohaleid
    You can do it!! And I think I can too! :D It's difficult but look at the progress you've made! That is incredible!! I'm back too...might seem like bad timing with Thanksgiving right around the corner but that just shows our commitment.

    Remember to drink your water and think positive! Have a great day back!
  • healthymebetterme
    Welcome back!
    We are kind of in the same boat, I was doing great, loving my new healthy lifestyle then I just stopped, things got in the way, motivation fell, etc. But now I'm back and ready to fight for it!

    I don't have constant internet access right now but whenever I get on I will try and congratulate people on their achievements. I know I'd love it if people did it for me so making other people feel happy for doing it makes me feel great! :D

    Good luck on your journey
  • tgnzmum
    Thank you so much for your kind responses!! We can do this ladies!! Good luck & all my best!! xo
  • jamiscott1977
    jamiscott1977 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on a journey to lose 200 lbs i lost 50+ but fell off the wagon and gained almost all of it back. I know you can do this. If I can keep it up this time so can you. Wishing you all the luck in the world. :smile:
  • olympian41
    olympian41 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in the same boat sister! I need all the help I can get, I just can't seem to stay on track!