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This weekend was a huge bust! Feel like I can't do this

I looked back on my diary and noticed that I am eating WAAAAY too many sugary treats. Some days they fit into my cals/macros and on others (this weekend) they absolutely did not. Need to figure out a way to get the sugar cravings under control. Having a hard time not slipping back into old habits. Need to remind myself why I am here. I think a lot of the problem is that its just not coming off as fast as I wanted it to. I wanted to be down 15-20 lbs by Christmas (I started in August) and 30-40 by our trip to Disney in March. The way things are going I don't see it happening, and now I just want to GIVE UP :(

HELP MFPers. What should I change? Any suggestions??????


  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    You didn't gain it super fast, you won't lose it any faster. This is going to take time, determination and will power. Just keep at it and cut back on the certain sugary foods you are intaking.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    you have re adjust your thinking. When i started just over a year ago, i had a goal of 10 lbs in 2 months. well i only lost 5. i was bummed and wanted to quit! especially since i had made major changes in my life. I was exercising daily, watching my cals, and eliminated pop, chips etc and was eating in general the best i ever had. so when only 5 came off i was bummed. it took me a year to lose 20 lbs. i still haven't reached my goal but i know tat i am 100% better off now then if i woudl of quit! take it slow and be happy for any change that you get, it's n your way to being the best you can be! :)
  • you need to find something in your live that satiates you as a replacement for sugar, though what I would say is that slipping back on your calorie limit once or twice a week isnt the way to get to where you need to be.

    PATIENCE, the weight will come off if you give it a chance you just need to focus on being strict with yourself. As bad as cravings can get think how much worse you will feel after eating them, then reach for something that fits your macros. My personal cravings buster are Mini Babybels and I get through atleast 3 a day as a way to stop me going and eating something I know I shouldn't

    Sooner or later the cravings stop and you start to realise that this has become a lifestyle rather than a diet, unfortunately until that point dieting isn't fun, but its the road to the life you want.

    keep at it :D
  • Rehobobound
    Rehobobound Posts: 143 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I find that starting something new, exercise or eating plan helps to get me jump started. I also find that if I go cold turkey off of sugar it helps. If you are anything like me, one bite of sugar gets me started and I can't stop. Thus, cold turkey is the only way. Of course, now with the holidays upon us, it's going to be tough. Best of luck!
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Last weekend was lame this week will be awesome.
  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    First of all - Relaaaaaaax~!

    You are going to have days where you go over your calories. Relax - keep an eye on them again for the rest of the following days until you treat yourself again (I do so once every 2-3 weeks with sushi buffets or lovely steak dinners).

    As for weight loss, keep under your calories, exercise (lift a couple of dumb bells please) and enjoy your improved lifestyle. The weight will move~

    If you are serious about wanting to eliminate sugar or severely reduce (i am an advocate for no refined sugar - stick to fruits, honey, dark chocolate, etc for my 'sweet' fix) then know and accept it will take time. Indulge but take note of the amount you are eating. Restrict them to special events (I don't want to say no to my own birthday cake!). Eventually, you will get used to enjoying them as the treat they are meant to be once a month (or longer if you really prefer other foods to top up your daily calories).

    Dont worry about the scale honey~ Nothing is worse than feeling crappy because you aren't enjoying life (and food and exercise are a part of life! Enjoy it!). You are beautiful regardless of what the scale says. In any case, I would say you have a goos chance of losing 5-10lbs by christmas if you stick to eating right and exercising. That will be a great accomplishment :)
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I've seen a lot of folks on the forums suggest that eating sugar causes sugar cravings. Based on my own experience I'm willing to believe it. It may be beneficial to you in the short term to try cutting refined sugar out of your diet completely for a few weeks and see if that helps. It should not only stop the cravings (once you get over the withdrawal) but should also kick start the weight loss. Once you have the cravings under control you can consider adding them back into your diet slowly and finding a good balance.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Try logging it before you eat it...Once I see how much it is going to cost me I make my decision to eat of not to eat...
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    First of all don't beat yourself up and don't put a lot of pressure on yourself. Baby steps, we are all here for support. I do know that when you give up the sugar stuff for me I switched to Stevia it is tough. I started in Aug and now I can't even look at that junk. Lifestyle change does take time and each of us are different. What works for me may not work for someone else. Just keep on track and it will sort itself out. Add me if you like. I log everyday and my diary is open.
  • yitzhaq
    yitzhaq Posts: 2 Member
    I've bought some expensive dark chocolate for sugar cravings. It's satisfying in small quantities and I'm aware of how much it cost, so it appeals to a different sort of guilt.

    Hang in there! I think it's valuable to have some kind of treat for yourself -- it reduces the feeling of deprivation. It hasn't been hard to budget for 28 calories and 2 grams of sugar when I have a piece from my chocolate stash.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I noticed in your exercise diary the walking. Walking is excellent.

    But, I notice you are using MFP's estimates for the calories burned while walking.

    If you are eating back all your exercise calories, please be aware that MFP's estimates for exercise calories are almost all absurdly too high.

    keep walking but dont eat back all those exercise calories
  • lilylover2012
    lilylover2012 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't give up!!!! So you had a bad weekend, IT HAPPENS! You just have to try to do better and keep going.

    As a tip (since I have a major sweet tooth), try looking for 100 calorie snacks with chocolate. My favorites are the Hostess mini chocolate cakes since they always cure my craving, but they also have pudding cups, granola bars, cookies.... really anything for 100 calories if you search the snack aisle. For me, I can easily fit one or two of those snacks in each day and still feel satisfied. Also, look for bags of mini candy. You can eat three or four of those throughout the day since the ones I like (3 Muskateers) are only about 25 calories a piece.
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Hey sweetie,
    You can do this, but its not a quick fix. These things take time an a huge amount of effort. Having a weekend of sugary things is not a bust its a little bump in a road that is never going to be smooth. You need to know that even if you make a mistake you have to put it behind you and move on. If you don't you'll make the same mistakes and one weekend will turn into two and three. Not what you want. It's not easy losing weight but it can be done. We're all hear for you. You can do this.
    Good luck on your journey you can do this.
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    I peaked at your diary, and I was doing the same thing..Eating alot of processed foods,but still staying under. Maybe you could add more fruits and veggies to your day. Also like others have said, you didn't gain it overnight,nor will you lose it overnight. I log everything I eat good or bad, and I hold myself accountable. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Keep hanging on. It WILL happen for you!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I looked back on my diary and noticed that I am eating WAAAAY too many sugary treats. Some days they fit into my cals/macros and on others (this weekend) they absolutely did not. Need to figure out a way to get the sugar cravings under control. Having a hard time not slipping back into old habits. Need to remind myself why I am here. I think a lot of the problem is that its just not coming off as fast as I wanted it to. I wanted to be down 15-20 lbs by Christmas (I started in August) and 30-40 by our trip to Disney in March. The way things are going I don't see it happening, and now I just want to GIVE UP :(

    HELP MFPers. What should I change? Any suggestions??????

    you can do this
    i would aim for 1-2 lb per week - this is a healthy loss and doable

    in terms of sugar - try having savory snacks ( oatcakes and cream cheese, hummus, guacamole etc ) morning afternoon etc planned and try and make homemade versions of things so you avoid any added sugars that are added to bulk up flavors

    plan fruit/ yoghurt (- greek not no added sugar)/ mint tea ( liquorice and mint is a lovely naturally sweet tea) this way you have an antidote to sugar cravings
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I've seen a lot of folks on the forums suggest that eating sugar causes sugar cravings. Based on my own experience I'm willing to believe it. It may be beneficial to you in the short term to try cutting refined sugar out of your diet completely for a few weeks and see if that helps. It should not only stop the cravings (once you get over the withdrawal) but should also kick start the weight loss. Once you have the cravings under control you can consider adding them back into your diet slowly and finding a good balance.

    This and quit using exercise calories to supplement eating junk foods. Cookies, granola bars, pie could all be replaced with fresh fruits and veggies. You eat a lot of carbs, breaded foods, and wasted calories which are just making your crave more of that junk.
  • livinbb
    livinbb Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for all the replies! WOW! I really needed the pep talk this morning. I think my game plan for the next couple of weeks is to do what many of you have suggested and cut out refined sugars. I will stock my fridge with more fruits to satisfy the sugar cravings with I would love to get the refined ones out of the house however, that might prove difficult when hubbs is a self confessed chocoholic and sugar junkie (he doesn't have a weight problem, so he NEVER limits his sugar intake...sigh). Anyway, just because he is eating it doesn't mean I have to!

    Any suggestions on what calorie intake should be? I upped my cals to just under my BMR according to the TDEE calculations. My BMR is 1589. I typically don't eat all my exercise cals back. Walking and circuit training (lifting 5 lbs) are my exercises of choice, only because I had to cut out all running because of heel pain :(
  • 1julietax
    1julietax Posts: 117 Member
    I'm going through a rough week too. Stayed under my calories, worked out almost every day for at least 60 minutes and the scale this AM shows 1.5 pound weight gain...So frustrating...I wil admit to being over in salt intake a couple of days but still all my hard work last week and 1.5 weight gain....So I totally feel your pain. I so HATE the scale.... :)
  • primalchaos
    primalchaos Posts: 135 Member
    Ok, that was this weekend, what are your goals for today?
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm bummed with myself this morning, too. I think the best we can do is put mistakes behind us and carry on. It's not the occasional indiscretions that will sink us, it's giving up completely.

    Now I'm off to the gym!