Cheated over the weekend and beating myself up over it!

Not the best diet weekend -- I went out to eat a couple times and was too lazy to move around very much yesterday. I think it's easier to cheat on weekends when I'm not occupied with work for 8 hours a day.

If anyone has tips on how to stay on track over the weekends, I'd appreciate it! Also, if anybody else would like to add me as a friend I'd appreciate some further motivation. :)

EDIT: I didn't go TOO crazy, I was still under 2000 calories, but I want to eat about 1450 calories/day to lose weight.


  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    Cheated by eating what? How much over your calories did you go? Sometimes it happens but you dont want to go too overboard.

    If you are going out to eat you still need to monitor what it is you are consuming. Also, make the choice not to go out to eat several times over the weekend. One time fine, more than once, you may fall too much off track.

    I had a birthday party this weekend and I chose to eat extra cake. It only pushed me over an extra 100 calories for the day but I can deal with that. If you ate 1000 calories over then its a matter of self control.
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    I had a bad cheat weekend, too. Weekends are always hard for me. Friend request coming your way.:smile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Go to restaurants that have their menu and nutrition info online and choose ahead of time what you will have and log it.

    Ask for a takeout box when the meal comes and put half of it in the box to take home ahead of time.

    Don't drink your calories.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Its simple swagonomics, if you dont track your calories on cheat days, you dont gain weight. WIN/WIN
  • trishahedrick
    Weekends always get me. While I'm bored, I eat. It's a bad habit but don't beat yourself up over it, just try and make it a habit to not binge when it's the weekend. (:
  • DBiddle69
    DBiddle69 Posts: 682 Member
    Not the best diet weekend -- I went out to eat a couple times and was too lazy to move around very much yesterday. .

    Then it is a good thing you have come to MFP for a new lifestyle otherwise your diet would have failed.

    As a lifestyle you can make modifications to the future and move on...e.g., for the next few days eat 100 less big deal!
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I'm almost exactly the opposite - I am AWESOME on my diet at the weekend, but during the week, I eat while I'm working.

    I like to make my weekends active, which also makes a BIG difference - I sit on my tuchis during the week ;)
  • TCondor
    Don't be too hard on yourself. We all need to go off track every once in a while. It keeps us sane and serves as a reminder of what we're journeying toward.

    As far as being active on the weekends, I try to do a few things that are within walking distance of my home so I get a little activity. Walking to the drustore, taking a letter to a mailbox instead of sending it from home, going to get a Sunday morning paper or cup of coffee.

    Hope this helps. I'll send a FR your way as well.
  • desiree7hanson
    desiree7hanson Posts: 31 Member
    I agree, it is okay to go out, just make sure that you review the menu ahead of time. Some places have the nutrition information available, some don't, but if it isn't on their website or already on myfitnesspal, I usually just look up the menu item (for example, did this the other day with margharita pizza at a local restaurant) in myfitnesspal and most likely it's there. I find the most comparable one. For most meals, I have to split them in half and eat the rest the next day. That is usually perfectly fine, because the serving sizes are so huge. The last time I did this, I actually didn't look ahead, but have myfitnesspal on my phone, and was able to do the little bit of research right there at the table before ordering. You just have to practice self control, that is key for any weight loss plan. That doesn't mean not letting yourself have certain foods, usually just means more planning and smaller portion sizes.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    Everybody has a cheat day once in a while, whether it's planned or not! 1 lb of fat = 3500 calories. You said you didn't even eat 2000.. that means you still had a calorie deficit and there's no way you could even gain 1 lb! :) If you see the scale move up, it's most likely water retention and will go away in a few days. No worries, just concentrate on healthy choices now, that's all you can do. Get a good workout in or at least a walk and drink lots of water, you'll feel better in no time!

    Try to stay busy too.. clean house, do yardwork.. go shopping, paint your nails! lol, just stay busy to where you don't think of snacking as often.
  • kariwilk4
    I cheated over the weekend too! Well only on Sunday but I know how you feel. I think its good to have atleast one cheat day. We all deserve one. Hang in there, stay motivated and know you can do it.
  • micheletallman
    I will be your friend.I could use the extra motivation as well. I do the same thing on the weekends and at night! Very frustrating. I feel like I do well for 3 or 4 days in a row, then blow it. Once I blow it, I feel I am just wasting my time. But...I read somewhere that it takes 21 days to change a bad habit or to create a good one. So...if I could just stick the course for 21 days then maybe I won't fall off as much.
    I also read in a health magazine:
    one tip - if you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, you are not hungry.
    and...tip two - eating is not a hobby.

    For some reason those two sayings stick in my head. They help sometimes.