How to avoid gaining weight during the holiday

There will be lots of holiday parties/dinners in the upcoming months. If I do exercise twice a day (morning and evening), would that help to avoid gaining weight from the party or big dinner? I usually maintain 1,200 calories/day but I know it's hard when eating at restaurant. I just recently lost over 10 lbs and certainly don't want to gain back the weigh. Any suggestions?


  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    im stuck in the same boat, once i start eating bad food i cant stop , and 2 weeks away from home and routine is gonna put me off track. i said ill just eat my solid 3 meals a day and keep them as balanced and healthy as possible eg: order whole wheat over white , grilled instead of fried, cut carbs before bed , allow for something bad every day or 2 ... basically you just have to think healthy but remember you still on holiday so enjoy it and expect to gain a few pounds its not the end of the world
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    sorry my definition of holiday is different to yours LOL
  • The only surefire way is to track everything that you consume. It's hard over the holidays, but just think of how good it felt to see the scale go down 10 pounds. Don't let that scale go backwards. Keep at it. It's worth it. Good luck over the holidays.
  • I took me over two months and worked hard (both exercise and diet) to lose that 10 probably only takes less than a week to gain back the weight :)
  • I just went to a pot-luck at our Church, I had a light breakfast and stuck with veggies and more meat and still manage to eat 1/4 of cheesecake and pumkin pie but NO dinner since that was a lunch pot-luck. I just kept drinking water n 1 coffee for the evening :) I made it under my 1,200 Calorie :)
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    promise yourself to log your food and exercise. plan for the parties and dinner by making your other meals calorie-low. On Tday I'll have around a 300 cal breakfast and a veg soup for dinner that is around 250. That'll give me 1000+ calories for Tday meal. Assuming I can fit it in, I'll exercise in the morning and that will give me a few more hundred calories to play around with.

    Everyone addressed it differently. This is my strategy.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I carry a small notebook and write down everything that goes in my mouth. If you have a smart phone I think you can do the same on it. Track track track and workout BUT remember to enjoy the holiday season too.
  • promise yourself to log your food and exercise. plan for the parties and dinner by making your other meals calorie-low. On Tday I'll have around a 300 cal breakfast and a veg soup for dinner that is around 250. That'll give me 1000+ calories for Tday meal. Assuming I can fit it in, I'll exercise in the morning and that will give me a few more hundred calories to play around with.

    Everyone addressed it differently. This is my strategy.

    I am planning to do almost the same thing as you. In the morning, I will probably take my dog on a hike, eat a light breakfast, and then eat a great turkey dinner.
  • Kitkat_58
    Kitkat_58 Posts: 35 Member
    Figure out the calories you need to maintain your current weight, then stay under that number. Log everything and excercise.
  • trigrrl
    trigrrl Posts: 104 Member
    my sister gave my a great quote...don't worry about what you eat from christmas to new years...worry about what you eat from new years to christmas...

    i think we need to be aware of what we eat during the holidays but one or two weeks isn't the big picture
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I workout. Then sprinkle my swag across the couch and hook a gravy iv to meh bodeh.
  • Bump
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    Plan for the calories, keep track of what you are eating, don't beat yourself up about it. Try to get in some extra cardio.

    Counting calories for the week works out better than for the day, so if you overdo it on Thanksgiving or Christmas (or Drinking on New Years) try to get in some extra exercise or build a larger deficit on other days.
  • I just eat a light calorie breakfast, drink plenty of water and exercise twice as hard to lose the weight when it comes to big lunch/supper
  • jkuhnen
    jkuhnen Posts: 14 Member
    "don't worry about what you eat from Christmas to new years...worry about what you eat from new years to Christmas.."

    I like this...although I've also found once I start making exceptions its a slippery slope. Suddenly there are more exceptions than there are good days. For me it starts with, just the day of the holiday, than its, ok just this holiday party, than its just this one special birthday party of a friend, then its every random kid's birthday party, then its anytime I'm celebrating, then anytime I'm stressed.

    One thing I find important for me is to write down every morsel even if its a "cheat day". That way bad days have a number and I know just how bad they were.

    BTW - since I've been using MFP, I've only had 1 bad day (my birthday), which unfortunately led to my only week not losing weight. Go MFP!
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Last year I lost weight for Thanksgiving but I was just coming off rotor cuff surgery and hadn't been able to eat since November 9. Not the most highly recommended way of doing your diet. :/
  • tam3003
    tam3003 Posts: 14 Member
    You certainly don't want to deprive yourself of the holiday deliciousness! So I'd suggest that you watch your portion sizes more than anything else...halve that slice of cake! And carry on exercising :)
  • hlaroue
    hlaroue Posts: 4 Member
    If you have to bring a dish or something to share make sure it is one that you can eat (veggies/humus, fruit tray, etc.). I use a lot of recipes from Cooking Light. They have all kinds of recipes to try...appetizers, salads, side dishes, desserts. That way you at least know the calories in your dish.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I try to stick with my plan and keep tracking right through the holidays. I know some days will just be a disaster from a calorie point of view. And it will show up on the scale. But If I stick with it I know any extra pounds will come right back off.
  • Be very careful about what you eat. Portion control. lots of water. You'll be great! I have ideas for when the holidays are over. Anyone add me! I'm here for you :)