Any girls doing Body Beast?

I started Body Beast recently and wanted to know if there was any other ladies doing this workout too! If so friend me, we can keep each other accountable. :-)


  • c4z101
    c4z101 Posts: 13
    I started day 1 of BULK phase today! How far along are you? I am really enjoying it!
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    no, but im gonna have to looki into this, shounds like my kinda work out!
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    No but with a name like Body Beast....I'm definitely going Googling!
  • runnninginmd
    I have thought about it because I have enjoyed BeachBody programs in the past. Since I work out at home, it helps to have a video to follow for strength training and I'm getting sick of my normal rotation of Chalean Extreme and p90x. How many days a week do you strength train and how long are the videos?
  • c4z101
    c4z101 Posts: 13
    It is 6 days a week. Videos are around 45 minutes I think. Some a bit more, some less.
  • dilan0620
    The videos range from 35 - 50 min, six days strength training one day off, I like it so far, I just need to be stricter with my eating.