
This may sound weird...
but in the past three weeks, my eating habits have gotten significantly better, and I am breaking out significantly more. Seems like they're everywhere, and they don't STOP coming, you clean one away, three more come, it's killing me.
I keep washing my face and stuff just as before -- a little more astringent now.
Has anyone had this happen to them? Anything you can do to stop it? I thought this would stop by the time I'm 24, but apppparently zits are forever. I would love to say its from tons of strenuous exercise and sweating, but it's not from that either.


  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    This happened to me! It's just now clearing up (a month later). I'm pretty sure it's my body "detoxing/cleansing" from the icky fatty/greasy stuff i used to eat. Not sure you can do anything to clear it up, except keep eating better. Just think of it as a good sign, and it WILL go away.

    oh and fyi: i'm 26 and usually have great skin! when i changed my diet style by body went crazy... not only with my skin, but i even had bathroom problems (sorry if that is TMI)
  • wsucheergirl
    I'm hoping jmarie9 is right b/c I'm going through the same thing.
  • EternalLife
    EternalLife Posts: 31 Member
    When I started following a healthy eating plan, I had spots break out for about 3 weeks, and I never, ever get spots normally. I think it was while my body adjusted to the change in my diet. My skin now is better than it ever was before, much brighter.

    Maybe you're getting something similar? I'm 25 by the way.

    Keep up the good work :smile:
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    I've been having skin issues too! I'm not breaking out so much as my face is really really dry. Under my eyes by my nose I'm drier than I have ever been. I've always been a combination skin person in the land between average and oily, but I've gone the complete opposite route lately. I find that if I don't moisturize it just looks AWFUL!

    Maybe because of all the sweat? Or all of the wiping of the sweat (rubbing too much?). I don't know. Any insight on this would be helpful too!

    It's weird the adjustments your body makes all over when you make a change!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Your body can only get rid of toxins in a few ways and they are all gross! The skin is a great one and you will see acne, smelly sweat etc. Keep drinking lots and lots and lots and lots of purified water! It is the quickest way to flush your body.

    Now, the good news is the this is TOTALLY AWESOME!!!! You are getting rid of junk that your body/liver has been dealing with for a long time. The body is really good at maintaining homeostasis and will work hard to make sure you do not get sick. When you were eating a garbage food, it was all it could do to handle the daily it can handle the daily and work on past overloads.

    Congratulations and keep it up.

    In the interem find a nice benzoyle peroxide wash.

    I had acne into my 40's and it wasn't until I cleaned up my diet that it finally disappeared!

  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Just a little tip for dealing with pesky pimples.. If you need to hide them, dab them with calamine lotion after you wash your face or shower, it will take the redness out and they'll be barely noticeable =)
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Im 23 and never have breakouts. I changed my diet and now several things have happened one of which I can say the other you don't wanna hear. I have a few breakouts on my face aswell. Its odd. I was told these were good signs. Keep it up. Itll get better.
  • bttrflykisses820
    Wow! I didn't realize this was due to the diet change! I always have clear skin and this last week i broke out with like 3-4 pimples! Verrrryyy frustrating!! Even with makeup it looks terrible because you can still see the bumps!

    But i guess this is semi good news.... i'm happy to know my body is noticing my diet change.... but it better clear up pretty soon!
  • binsylad
    This has just happened to me.......Never suffered with them before!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I think of it the same way I would if I were starting a new face cleaning regimen. New product = pores cleansing themselves.
    For example, you always break out after a facial because your pores are expelling the junk inside of them. Think of changing your diet and making your body healthy as the ultimate facial, just a lot cheaper and longer-term. You're going to get them until your body gets rid of all the junk.
    Expect the odd pimple here and there to come up when you have a "cheat" day or a day where you eat fast food or something high in saturated fats, sodium, and grease. That's when I notice them. Luckily they're tiny and go away pretty quickly.
  • lilmommy
    I'm experiencing the same problem. Usually my skin is clear but I've been getting a few on my face urgh :( I don't like it!
  • xcharysma
    xcharysma Posts: 35 Member
    I'm getting them as well, with a new one every week. I'm hating my face now, while I'm trying to improve my body! >_<
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I saw someone post one time about how their personal trainer told them that their body was "detoxing" itself and it would stop in a couple or few months. I'm not sure how true that is but I thought I would just throw that out there as an idea.