Walk Now for Lupus 2010 ! May 22nd!!!

gunswife Posts: 40
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I am so excited to announce that I will be able to Walk for Lupus this year. Five years ago I was diagnosed with Systemic lupus erythematosus also known as SLE or Lupus. To date, there is no known cause or cure. Funds need to be raised so that we can create awareness within our community as well as to support research in finding a cure. We need a cure! I need a cure!

What is Lupus? Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can cause damage to any part of the body. In some ways, lupus represents a kind of allergic reaction by the body, in which the immune system sees the body’s own healthy tissues and cells as foreign, and attacks them. It is an incredibly unpredictable disease that can range from mild to deadly. There is no cure for lupus and more than 1.5 million Americans have lupus; that’s more than the combined number of those affected by MS, cystic fibrosis, cerebral palsy, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, and HIV.

When you donate or walk with us...

You place information in the hands of patients.

You fund cutting edge lupus research.

You make lupus seminars a reality.

You raise awareness about lupus.

You provide lupus information to medical professionals.

You give live, compassionate support.

You train support group facilitators.

With research advances and a better understanding of lupus, the prognosis for people with lupus today is far brighter than it was in the past. It is possible to have lupus and remain active and involved with life, family, and work. As current research efforts unfold, there is continued hope for new treatments, improvements in quality of life, and, ultimately, a way to prevent or cure the disease. The research efforts of today may yield the answers of tomorrow, as scientists continue to unravel the mysteries of lupus.

When: Saturday May 22nd, 2010, from 9am to 12pm
Where: Tropicana Field
One Tropicana Drive
St. Petersburg, FL 33705

Any amount that can be donated would be greatly appreciated. Every little bit helps!


Sonia Surita

Copy and paste this Link: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=338753&supId=286742013
to donate or Join our team and walk with us!!


  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    Wow!! I may do that. My mom is convinced she has Lupus but every time she goes to the doctor they won't diagnose her. I live in Tampa when I'm not going to school. I can make the drive over to St. Pete.
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    That's really cool. A relaly good friend of mine just got diagnosed with Lupus, I wish I was in the area to support you. If there is something here, I would totally do it!
  • gunswife
    gunswife Posts: 40
    That would be great if you can make it! The more people we have, the more we can raise awareness.
  • gunswife
    gunswife Posts: 40
    There are walks going on all around the country!!! Check out www.lupus.org and find one in your area :-)
  • I haven't been officially diagnosed with Lupus yet but there is a big possibility That I do have it. That is great t at there is something out there like this because on my bad days Its just awful and I feel that there are other out there who could be worse off than me.
  • I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2008. I made last years Lupus walk in Spokane, and unfortunately had to miss this years one.

    Please support the the Lupus walks. We haven't had a new Lupus drug come to market in more than 51 years.

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