weight exercise advice for flatter tummy perter bum

Hi I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find a specific thread during a search so apologies in advance.

Right basically I've been hearing all this stuff about how heavy weights can help flatten the tummy guts and pert up the posterior and I wanna get in on that action since I'm on the last 10 pound stretch, however I have not a clue on where to start. My fiance has some dumbells that I can add/subtract weights to and from, so is that enough to do heavy weights without joining a gym to get at their machines?

So if anybody can recommend some good weight exercises that focus on flattening the tum and raising the bum please advise away! Oh and any suggestions on how heavy I should lift would be great too x

stats (if that helps)
5'5" 30yo female
bust 36 waist 28 (belly 31) hips 37

Thanks for any advice and/or links to relevant threads x


  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    le bump
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Getting started can be hard, no doubt. The best exercises are the compound ones, like squat, bench press, chin up, dead lift, row's, overhead press, etc. If you're new to exercise, just start doing some push-ups, body weight squats, lunges, and some sort of pulling exercise (like inverted row or chin ups with a band). You can do them in a circuit and really get a good work out. Eventually you can start adding weights or a weight vest.

    If you have the time and money, you should really consider heading to a gym and having a personal trainer work with you to get you started.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Thankyou ahamm002 I would love to afford the gym but I already take 2 zumba classes a week and that's my exercise budget (they don't do zumba classes at the best times at my local gym and it's the only cardio I really love)

    I'll try some of those exercises though thanks, however never managed to do a chin up in my life ;P
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Getting started can be hard, no doubt. The best exercises are the compound ones, like squat, bench press, chin up, dead lift, row's, overhead press, etc. If you're new to exercise, just start doing some push-ups, body weight squats, lunges, and some sort of pulling exercise (like inverted row or chin ups with a band). You can do them in a circuit and really get a good work out. Eventually you can start adding weights or a weight vest.

    If you have the time and money, you should really consider heading to a gym and having a personal trainer work with you to get you started.

    I can not agree more with this post. Since I've started lifting heavy I have seen my midsection take a HUGE turn. It is becoming more defined.. and when I was at Zumba the other morning, a fellow classmate asked me if I do a thousand crunches a day because she could see them through my shirt. I was so flattered, but I told her NO, I lift heavy and that has done wonders for me :)
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Hi I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find a specific thread during a search so apologies in advance.

    Right basically I've been hearing all this stuff about how heavy weights can help flatten the tummy guts and pert up the posterior and I wanna get in on that action since I'm on the last 10 pound stretch, however I have not a clue on where to start. My fiance has some dumbells that I can add/subtract weights to and from, so is that enough to do heavy weights without joining a gym to get at their machines?

    So if anybody can recommend some good weight exercises that focus on flattening the tum and raising the bum please advise away! Oh and any suggestions on how heavy I should lift would be great too x

    stats (if that helps)
    5'5" 30yo female
    bust 36 waist 28 (belly 31) hips 37

    Thanks for any advice and/or links to relevant threads x

    There are various methods of instruction based around the barre method and I'd be willing to bet there are dvds that you could use at home. If you have maxed out your fitness budget on classes but could afford a dvd or could check a dvd out of your local library (even better so you can see how you like it), you might try this. The barre method is based around ballet exercises--and it's tough. But it works.

    And you can do lunges with small handweights as well. Also tough...also works!
  • Soxiez
    Soxiez Posts: 39 Member
    We have almost identical stats! Sorry I'm no use for advise.. just selfishly bumping this so I can steal yours haha. Good luck to you!
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    For the bum I have been doing these exercise below.

    50 Squats
    30 walking lunges
    20 jump squats
    30 side lunges
    50 bridges

    And for the tum lifting weights and walking.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    My boyfriend recently moved in with me and with him came his weight set - small but you can add weights to dumbbells (much like the ones you were describing). Before this was using 8 pounders that were getting to light. I'm now doing Chest Flys with 14 pound weights and hope to increase bicep curls to 12 soon...

    Basically, you can get a GREAT workout with a variety of weights, with out the gym. It's much more motivational to me to do the work in my own apartment than it is to go somewhere else.

    This website is a great place to start -

  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    @xiamjackie I would absolutley love for someone one day be jealous of my current jellybelly! what routine do you do, the same as others have mentioned?

    @skinnyforhi Thanks I'll check that out!

    @Soxiez lol bump away, wow I hope with identical stats I have a figure like yours, you look fab! :D

    @Poorgirls_Diet That's really useful thankyou! How often do you do these a week?

    @kristen6022 Great thankyou for the link! Nerd fitness sounds right up my alley lol!

    Wow fab advice so far this is great!!!! Thankyou all!
  • CindyTatiana16
    CindyTatiana16 Posts: 24 Member
    Have you ever head of the Brazil Butt Lift DVDs? I LOVE the "high & Tight" dvd - you do it with ankle weights and i've seen a difference in my bum from it.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    @xiamjackie I would absolutley love for someone one day be jealous of my current jellybelly! what routine do you do, the same as others have mentioned?

    I follow the New Rules of Lifting for Women! And work in cardio when I feel like it haha maybe twice a week.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Have you ever head of the Brazil Butt Lift DVDs? I LOVE the "high & Tight" dvd - you do it with ankle weights and i've seen a difference in my bum from it.

    I've heard of Brazil Butt Lift (in fact I think off you/your profile) but the dvd costs a bomb in the UK, I'll check out high and tight though. Cheers!!!!!
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    @xiamjackie I would absolutley love for someone one day be jealous of my current jellybelly! what routine do you do, the same as others have mentioned?

    I follow the New Rules of Lifting for Women! And work in cardio when I feel like it haha maybe twice a week.

    Brill! thanks for the help! :)