Sabotage myself every weekend!! So frustrating!!

Every week I start with a fresh outlook and a great attitude, and during the week I do great... plan out my lunches and snacks that I take for work, eat pretty healthy dinners at night and maybe just a small snack later, all within my calorie range, and I go for walks every lunch hour. And I track religiously all week. THEN, the weekend hits and I don't know what it is, but all my good intentions and willpower just shuts off! It's like a mental switch in my head that says well it's the weekend now so take a holiday from EVERYTHING - not just work, but healthy eating, exercise, and tracking too! And then every Monday I'm annoyed and frustrated with myself and vow to not do it again next weekend, and then the weekend comes and.... well, you can see the viscious circle I think lol. I KNOW what I'm doing every weekend is not what I SHOULD be doing, but I don't seem to be able to get off the pattern I'm on. Sighhhh... sorry, just a vent :)


  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    im no help but im exactly the same!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    You're not alone! I find myself doing this as well. So frustrating!!
  • The weekend makes it difficult to stay on track because your routine is off. Monday thru Friday your routine is the same : wake up, eat, work, work out, bed. The weekend your off schedule making it harder to maintain any sort of routine/program albeit exercise or diet. You don't eat at the same times, you're in social situations that don't make sticking to your diet plan easy, more people eat out over the weekend, and working out isn't a priority, honestly I would rather be shopping than in a gym or watch a workout video.
    This past weekend I was sick in bed, hardly eat, exercise wasn't an option. I'm hoping that if I work hard at maintaining my diet and exercise goals thru out the week, my weekends I can be a little more relaxed.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm the EXACT same way... this weekend for example... Friday night pizza, wings and beer.


    Saturday, Cheesecake factory and yes I had a piece of cheesecake not realizing it was 996 calories for one piece *facepalm*.

    I have the WORST cravings and awful stomach problems, so not only do I feel like crap, I look it too and often people think I'm pregnant.

    I don't usually exercise on the weekends unless it's a long walk with my dog, I workout 5 days during the week. The only way I can think of chopping this is a lot of self control or fasting on weekends. I've done both. It sucks. LOL
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I'm the same way.....I just lose my control on the weekends and binge...then I'm tired and take a nap...then wake up bored and go eat more junk....all I've done is gain the last few months. :(
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    It happens to me all the time. I seem to do better on weekends with a little structure in it, like if I know I'm going out to breakfast I'll check the menu first to make wiser choice. I also "attempt" to keep on track like I do on weekday to eat around the same time. It's the drinky poo's that get the best of me :drinker:
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    I am the exact same way! It is really my downfall. I feel like I could be losing so much more if I dont get off track on the weekends.
  • danielpinkney
    danielpinkney Posts: 44 Member
    I do it myself regularly. As mentioned by some it's the interruption to a normal routine that causes it for me, plus having the kids on a weekend (they have to have the odd treat and so I often succumb). Once I do the floodgates open and the rest of the day is a free for all. I always regret it the next day too.

    In order to compensate I try to undercut my calorie goals by 500 a day to allow for a weekend pig-out. So if I do drop my guard and get a Chicken Parmo (2600 calories!) and Ben & Jerrys over the weekend (my usual downfalls) at least most of these calories have been 'banked' during the week. if I don't pig-out then I know I should have scored an extra pound of fat loss.

    I'm still progressing and getting closer to my fitness goals so guess it's working.
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    I have the same problem.. on my work days it is easy to stick to my diet plan, but on days off I find I just can't. I don't know why. I also don't log food on my days off. I need to find an activity on my days off that don't trigger the snack monster, which means turning off the TV.
  • justlistening
    justlistening Posts: 249 Member
    Same here. But rather than me being out of routine I think its because I feel bad/guilty about ruining hubby's weekend. He likes to drink and eat out. I try my best to cook at least 1 night, but it is hard when you eat out more. I'm in the same cycle. I'll try banking my calories but when I'm only eating 1200-1300 during the week it is hard. I need to incorporate an exercise activity into our weekends.
  • ronitabur
    ronitabur Posts: 178 Member
    First, how many calories are you eating?? At least 1200 per day? By the time the weekend comes around, your body could be revolting.

    Second, do you eat your exercise calories? I recommend that you do. It really helps to have a heart rate monitor which has a calorie counter in it.

    Third, try saving up calories for the weekend (but don't EVER go under 1200 calories per day!) For instance, you might want to set your daily calories at 1300 per day, but stay 100 under. This will give you an extra 500 calories for the weekend by the time Friday rolls around. Or, if you burn 400 calories at the gym, that gives you 1700 calories to eat, but keep it to 1500 so you'll have 200 extra calories saved up from just the one day. Whatever you choose. But, I don't recommend saving too many calories, because your body will revolt.

    Finally, stay away from the foods to which you are addicted no matter what. If you are presented with potato chips and you know that you cannot stop at just a few, then don't even start, as they can trigger a binge.

    Good luck! It takes time to learn out how lose and maintain weight. NEVER give up.

  • jeannine71
    jeannine71 Posts: 66 Member
    I hear ya!! I do the same thing and I get soooo mad at myself :mad: I've had better luck trying to be "good" one day of the weekend then taking a break the other day...I still get ticked when I blow my calories for the week in one day....I guess we're only human. Just gotta do the best we can and know that we can plan on the weekends too, without feeling like we're sacrificing! Good luck :wink:
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Yup. Me too. I just try to make the best bad choices I can. Instead of scarfing down the chocolate desserts, I make myself raw chocolate treats ahead of time [like on a Thursday] and put them in the freezer. When DH brings out the almond bark on Friday night, I just have some of my raw treats.

    At the movies, I have cheesy kale chips [recipes at] that I make in my dehydrator the night before, instead of popcorn. OK. Maybe I'll have a handful or two, but not the WHOLE BAG! I bring my own water [I carry a very big bag], so I'm not tempted to drink pop.

    Eating out, I go for salads, omelettes and fruit. Look forward to those raw cacao chocolates when everyone else is loading up on cheesecake and chocolate torte. They're absolutely richly delicious, full of nutrients and won't make me sick, or fat. I look up after the meal and everyone else is bloated and feeling sick. I feel much better about my choices then.

    And Jeez Louise. Take it easy on yourself. You'll still lose weight if you're sticking to it 5 days a week. Just a tiny bit slower.
