Question for those with medical exp/background ect

elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
Ok, so I know that nobody but my PCP can tell me things FOR SURE, but I'm still interested in what someone else thinks. I have been sick now for about 3 days...super tired, sore throat, stuffy nose, and major lack of energy. Eating was really crappy and exercise? Forget it. Well today I started to feel a little better so I got up and took my son for a walk using my HRM. I just so happened to notice that it was extremely high compared to what I normally get. When walking at a fast pace with my son I usually hit 120-130bpm Im barely in target. However, today I remained in 145-171 throughout the whole walk almost. I usually burn about 415cals in say an hour and I hit 453 in 48 mins!! I know it is not my Polar FT4 I have never had any problems with it and it is still fairly new (beginning of October 2012 I got it). I was just wondering, is that something I should be alarmed about? Is it possible that it can be chalked up to this cold sinus whatever the heck it is I have? I guess I could mention that my poor body is either extremely hot or extremely cold...last night I felt like I was having stinking hot flashes?!!! I'm only 24 :sad:

Anywho, just looking for some thoughts from anyone who has experience or may know a little something? Still plan to make a dr apt here soon and FYI i am not on any medications either. TIA:drinker:

ETA:: TMI but TOM isn't supposed to be til Dec 3rd or 4th! so I know that isn't my problem


  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I think it's perfectly normal.
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    It sounds like a form of the flu. You need to completely recover from it before trying to exercise. Your body is still fighting off the illness and you're overtaxing it by exercising before you're recovered.

    I'm not a doctor, but I am a medical transcriptionist so I have a little knowledge. Rest, drink fluids, your body will tell you when you really are recovered.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Being unwell will raise your HR overall... resting should go up about 10 bpm. But if you've taken any decongestants with pseudoephedrine, your HR could be up from that for sure.

    EDIT: NOT a doctor or medical professional in the least.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    how did you feel during and after? did you get lightheaded or dizzy at all? short of breath? if not, I'd move along and enjoy feeling better. if yes, you may need to slow down for a day or two.
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Being unwell will raise your HR overall... resting should go up about 10 bpm. But if you've taken any decongestants with pseudoephedrine, your HR could be up from that for sure.

    EDIT: NOT a doctor or medical professional in the least.

    This happens to be... OTC meds raise my heart rate and there for effects my HRM.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Sounds like you're sick. It's not unusual for your heartrate to be high when you're running a fever. Your hot flashes were probably symptoms of a low grade fever. I would rest until you feel better.

    If you are feeling extremely dizzy or faint and it seems like your heart is racing while at rest, you should go to the Emergency Dept. Otherwise, take care of yourself and feel better soon!
  • Your heart rate naturally increases with exertion. Being sick (feeling crappy) also increases your heart rate. When I got sick with food poisoning, my resting heart rate was around 120-130.

    I'm not alarmed by your post in any way, but I do have important questions.

    1. Were you having chest pain at all? Or sharp pain anywhere in that general area?
    2. Did you become extremely short of breath?
    3. Did you have any other unusual/painful symptoms?

    Like you stated before, your PCP is the MD. I'm a cardiac sonographer, so that's my background, in case you were wanting to know.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Being unwell will raise your HR overall... resting should go up about 10 bpm. But if you've taken any decongestants with pseudoephedrine, your HR could be up from that for sure.

    EDIT: NOT a doctor or medical professional in the least.

    can you still get pseudoephedrine in BC? it's behind the counter in Minnesota, and they track how much you buy on something like a rolling 12 month basis.
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    how did you feel during and after? did you get lightheaded or dizzy at all? short of breath? if not, I'd move along and enjoy feeling better. if yes, you may need to slow down for a day or two.

    I got a sudden burst of energy beforehand so i decided to take advantage of it. My biggest thing was just now sitting here I started checking my pulse. After being still for 20-30mins my resting HR was 96bpm (counts per 10seconds multipled by 6). My normal resting rate is 75-85 with 85bpm being the highest even when up just moving around doing normal activity like maybe washing a couple dishes for 10-15mins. I just have not felt like myself lately and am hoping this mess will go away. And no I haven't taken any OTC medicines, nothing at all as I am quite unsure what I may have just yet. I just thought it was the common cold.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    elevated heart rate is from your body trying to heal.

    you probably have the flu, and your body is fighting it.

    rest with some chicken veggie soup.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Being extremely hot and extremely cold are symptoms of a fever. Go to the doctor.
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    Your heart rate naturally increases with exertion. Being sick (feeling crappy) also increases your heart rate. When I got sick with food poisoning, my resting heart rate was around 120-130.

    I'm not alarmed by your post in any way, but I do have important questions.

    1. Were you having chest pain at all? Or sharp pain anywhere in that general area?
    2. Did you become extremely short of breath?
    3. Did you have any other unusual/painful symptoms?

    Like you stated before, your PCP is the MD. I'm a cardiac sonographer, so that's my background, in case you were wanting to know.

    1. I had chest pain slightly after I hit 171bpm out of my target zone and i stopped jogging and just walked.

    2. I don't feel short of breath any other time. I don't feel achy or painful. Just really tired. My stomach was acting funny, I didn't know what to eat and I chalked that up to the fact I shoveled sooo much food in like the 3 days before I got sick (my son's dad was home and we ate like it was the end of the world LOL..he is usually gone 1-3months for his oil field job so we eat well when he is home for 1-2days) I guess I should check it out and further research for the flu symptoms.

    3. I do have to use the restroom quite often but I guess that would just still be from all the water I drink.
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    If you're dehydrated, your heart rate will be higher both at rest and even higher during exertion. As long as you aren't feeling lightheaded/dizzy, weak, or having heart palpitations or chest pain, I'd say you're safe. But don't push too hard. I would say a nice walk is fine, but I'd avoid any aerobics or high intensity exercise for a few more days!

    BTW, I'm a nurse, in case you were wondering. That by no means makes me a doctor. I'm just telling you what I've personally experienced. I was doing C25K and came down with a NASTY pneumonia! After 4 days of antibiotics, I was back at it. In hindsight, I probably shoulda held off a few more days. But sometimes you just get the energy and want to be active! :)
  • mommanurse33
    mommanurse33 Posts: 189 Member
    Sounds like you've had a touch of a flu. Your body is probably on the mend, but if you have been taking anything that has a decongestant in it, it wouldn't be uncommon for your HR to go up. Take it easy, and get well first. :)
  • Wannabeachday
    Wannabeachday Posts: 122 Member
    Could be allergies. If you have a runny nose but its clear, drainage and sore throat, that's usually allergy related. Any green discharge from nose that's green could be cold or sinus infection. Which all can make you tired. I would definitely go to your PCP