Ladies who are 200+ pounds



  • jlreser
    jlreser Posts: 64 Member
    I started at 206.6 March 6th and last week's weigh in I was 172.6. I have BAD knees and two herniated discs in my back so whatever weight I've lost so far has been solely diet alone. I hope to start moving more soon!
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    You can add me if you want.. I started at 283.5 pounds and weigh in at 158 right now.. Good luck hun.
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    I'm currently around 240, would love to befriend some women who are in a similar boat :)
  • I am at 243, started at 275... Looking for friends for support, motivation and accountability. Feel free to add me too!
  • I started in early October at 229. I'm down to 218.5 as of this morning. I started working out about two years ago, but I've never seemed to get lower than 220. So this year I've decided I need to get serious about my calories. My first goal was 10 lbs lost, and I've made that, so my next goal is to be 199. After that, I'm looking at 180, and then I'll reevalutate.

    I got my mother-in-law to join me on MFP, but she never logs in, so I could use some friends.
  • buffykaz
    buffykaz Posts: 50 Member
    My start weight was 101kg (222lbs), and my ultimate goal is to get to 70kg (154lbs) where I will re-evaulate, and perhaps even try for 65kg (143lbs).

    Mini goals:
    Lose another 5kg (11lbs) before Xmas/New Year
    Get down to 80kg (176lbs) by Easter 2013
  • I started out at 268 and I'm at 248 currently..started in June getting more serious about this journey. I've fallen off a little over the last few months due to medical issues and a busy schedule, but I'm in it for the long haul. Feel free to add me!
  • miart65
    miart65 Posts: 18 Member
    I go back and forth between 190 and 200. I would love to add you and anyone else for more motivation! Anyone on here feel free to add me and we can help each other out!
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    sent friend request. i started at 242 now 203. slowly getting to 200. very slow - 8 months. anyone else looking for new friends feel free to add me too.
  • Hi! I started at 284 and now 261, slow but steady!! Feel free to add me!

  • Been on about a month now started out at high weight was between 215-220 before MFP...I'm 42 and my oldest daughter is 21...CW is I think 204 (Will know for sure tomorrow I bought a new scale this evening)....Haven't settled on an ultimate goal weight yet just taking it a day and pound at time...
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    Feel free to add me as well.....lose in minuscule amounts, often thinking my scale must be broken!
  • piechoap
    piechoap Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I am just a little over 200 pounds....but have a long way to go (64 pounds)----I have struggled losing 15 pounds and then gaining it right back. I am always looking for positive people to help motivate me and vise versa! I would love for you and anyone who needs the extra support to add me!
  • That is amazing and I would love any tips, I am at my all time highest right now and I am not wanting to stay there any more!
  • tlelizondo
    tlelizondo Posts: 45 Member
    I started at 307 and have lost 54 since being on mfp (62 pounds total). Have been stuck at 245 for weeks! Struggle with the eating healthy part:smile: I am a single mom with 2 great kids 16 and 19 and am finally taking time for me. Would love more friends.
  • Hi ladies, I am Melissa I am 280 and 27 just started my journey this past week and I am ready for the weight to come off! Any tips I would love that and appreciate it also I am always up for more support and friends!!!
  • JuliesZenpuppy7400
    JuliesZenpuppy7400 Posts: 127 Member
    My starting weight 4+ years ago was 420 pounds. I am down to 260. With a goal weight of 190, maybe less but since I can't remember ever being in the 100's we will see when we get there!!! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • SarBear00b
    SarBear00b Posts: 188 Member
    Add me!!! I need need more friends who are going through the same thing and understand!! I sooo want to be out of the 2's and into the 1's soon!! I started at 238 and it's been a very slow process for me and I know it's just that I need real support and I'm happy to do that in return!! :)
  • letlethugo
    letlethugo Posts: 43 Member
    my heaviest is 210lbs. i am now currently 170-172lbs. try to cut my rice and sugar intake. but i don't deprive myself. i'm trying to lose 10 more pounds. good luck to us.
  • MommaHoff
    MommaHoff Posts: 54 Member
    I started at 265lbs almost 3 years ago. I got down to 194lbs within 6 months and then with all the stresses going on in my life, my exhusband having cancer and then passing the funeral and helping the kids deal with it, I for some reason stopped trying to eat right and stopped exercising regularly. I gained back up to 225lbs and since then have been yoyoing. I'll lose down to about 200 and then bounce right back up to 225. I'm so frustrated. I am tired of starting over. I want to stop quitting. I want this to be a lifestyle for me. I've managed to stay active I just can't get and keep my food right. I so need more support now. My workout buddy has found out she is pregnant so now I'm going it alone...well not without her support but she isn't allowed to do the things we were doing.

    Anyways enough complaining. Add me as a friend. I could use the support and am willing to give it right back.