So far (pics-HOPEFULLY)

I started off with 117lbs to lose. I am currently down 64 of those lbs. I still feel gross and unaccomplished. When will I feel normal? EVER?? URGH

Me at 252

Me at 192

I am 187.4 now. My Goal Weight is 135. I'm 5'5" and I am getting really impatient/discouraged lately. I just feel like it's STILL soooo far off :( Ferkin A :/


  • Rhayemun
    Rhayemun Posts: 31 Member
    Grrr pics aren't working :/
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    The pics work, the coding does not.

    Anyway, you look great!
    For me the "Im okay" feeling never really came. Even at 106 lbs(Im 5'1) I still felt wobbly and was uncomfortable with my body. It's taken nearly 2 years for me to finally start to accept, not only my body, but myself and realize that I'm fine whether im 106 or 126.

    It seems the mind takes longer to change than the body. =)
  • Rhayemun
    Rhayemun Posts: 31 Member
    How'd you do that Misty?! You're awesome thank you :)
  • Rhayemun
    Rhayemun Posts: 31 Member
    The pics work, the coding does not.

    Anyway, you look great!
    For me the "Im okay" feeling never really came. Even at 106 lbs(Im 5'1) I still felt wobbly and was uncomfortable with my body. It's taken nearly 2 years for me to finally start to accept, not only my body, but myself and realize that I'm fine whether im 106 or 126.

    It seems the mind takes longer to change than the body. =)

    Yeah That sounds about right. My brain is seriously playing tricks on me
  • You look great!

  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    You look great!! Congrats on losing the weight! You look waaaay healthier! Don't believe the negative feelings inside - we all feel them. Just eat well, exercise well, and rock the awesome new outfits you fit in now ;)
  • Enygirl210
    Enygirl210 Posts: 27 Member
    I think you're stunning! I totally get the not "normal" thing, but you have to see a huge difference.
  • ariesmom07
    ariesmom07 Posts: 57 Member
    You look amazing!
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    The difference is SIGNIFICANT, even though you may not feel it, us strangers see it! Congratulations on your hard work and success :):)
    Here's the thing though, I think that loving yourself at any weight is so important... even if you are not happy with the way you look and are motivated to change, you've got to find ways to accept you for you, and like the person inside, and us strangers can't help you with that. Having said that, those are TOTALLY normal feelings, that many of us feel at one point or another, you just have to make sure your not drowning in them!
    All that aside...I think you are looking great, and I hope you start feeling great soon enough!! keep up the great work!
  • pinkpiggy123
    pinkpiggy123 Posts: 10 Member
    I love that someone's passed out in the background of your before pic, Rhaye!

    IIRC - I had a beast of a time posting my before/current pics in a thread - I believe I solved it by using the [img]code... but I had to specifically change the 'img' to lowercase from the upercase that photobucket had them in. Why... I do not know. I happen to think that you look fan-****ing-tastic and that you're a sexy piece o' man! I luuuuurve your chops! Yum! You're well fit! ;) The difference in those pics is staggering! You look so cheeky, masculine, young and healthy in the bottom picture. There is such a twinkle in your eyes - it's inviting. So stop looking at me like that, I'm married! ;) I still feel like a freaking whale. A whale that moo's and smells of bacon. I am finding that things are changing socially - I'm not 'allowed' to make self depricating remarks about myself being a fat person... it is a strange and in-between land that I'm currently living in. I feel huge, yes... but before I felt fat and disgusting... now,... now I feel more 'ugly'. I still feel bigger than the majority, and I know conciously that I'm smaller than I was... but I still think of myself as fat & ugly. I think the previous poster is right, and that it will take my mind a long time to catch up... which is just as well, as this last 35+lbs is going to take a loooooong time. :-/[/img]
  • conraj74
    conraj74 Posts: 182
    Your doing a great job. Having patience is the hardest part .