Any women who lost their weight after age 50?

I am turning 50 in 2 months and with all the sagging and stretch marks I already know that surgery may be in my future. I'm doing this right this time, eating well and exercising every day but am really seeing the difference in the speed of loss as compared to when I was younger. Any one out there around my age that would be willing to lend some encouragement via their own success story?


  • rachmass1
    rachmass1 Posts: 470 Member
    I am 51

    I have lost over 30-pounds since January by walking a lot and sensibly cutting back on my intake, plus weight lifting. It is coming off slowly but it is coming off. Another 20 pounds to goal weight, although I might revise it depending on how my body feels. The last five pounds have taken close to three months. Looking for sustainable weight loss for a good healthy body.
  • Ronij59
    Ronij59 Posts: 191 Member
    Im 53 and have been on MFP for 45 dyas and so far have lost 20 pounds as of two fridays ago. I think I have lost more to date but I only weigh in once every two weeks to keep from getting discouraged. I have health issues and take meds that prevent me from losing the weight I want to lose. But I feel this is the best forum I have found in a long time. Just keep the faith.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    I'm 59. It doesn't come off as quickly, but I try to eat the calories My Fitness Pal set up for me, I watch my sodium, and I try to walk every day. Good Luck. :smile: Add a lot of people on this site as it really helps with motivation. Also there are some Groups for people over 50 as well.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I'm 53 and started in May. I realistically wanted to lose 18 pounds and get down to 170 (I'm 5'10). That's a healthy weight for me and one I hadn't seen for at last 14 years.

    I now weight 163 and am now going for 150.

    My 32nd anniversary is day after tomorrow and I will fit in my wedding dress.

    You can do it. Be persistent.
  • I am almost 53 and have lost 44 pounds from February until September (some before I joined MFP). I have been maintaining since then. I went from a size 10 (soon-to-be 12) and medium in tops to a size 2 petite and extra small. I just limited my calories to 1250-1350 per day and tried to get in about an hour of cardio 4-5 days a week. (Still trying to incorporate some strength training, but it's just not happening for me). The weight actually came off pretty quickly and consistently. I definitely have been left with some loose skin, even though I was not extremely overweight to begin with. I just think skin does not snap back at our age. I hope that with time it will improve, but even with all the sagging, I am so much happier with the way I look (at least with clothes on; without clothes not so much ;-) )

    It's definitely possible. Keep the faith, and good luck!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    63 here and I've lost 61pounds, most of it since the beginning of this year. Not too much in the way of problems with loose/saggy skin although there is a bit of that - and I'm much older than you are! So don't despair, if I can do it you certainly can :smile: Edited to add that I think the key is to just take it as slowly as you can bear to, so you give your skin time to adjust.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    I am 60, changed my lifestyle to healthy eating and exercise. Lost almost 90lbs and have kept it off since May. You can do this, it takes patience & perserverance! Good luck!
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    I'm 52, and in the three months since I joined, I've lost almost thirty pounds.
  • hen1946
    hen1946 Posts: 62 Member
    this past summer I lost 40 + lbs. I am 66 and had four cancer surgeries last year. I moved into a new home (remodel) and the place had been abandoned for 10 years. Since my husband was working 10 hr days 6 days a week I could not ask
    him to landscape and decided to do it myself. I leveled (by hand) and removed rock by wheelbarrow and planted 1 acre of lawn in four stages. That took 6 months. first I could do only 4 hrs max. After a few months I was working 8 hr days with wonderful improvements to show for it. The lawn and flowerbeds took 5 months to complete. Then I built a 150 foot wall (by myself) 7 feet high. Now I am tanned (fading now), toned and feel terrific. Be happy to send you before and after pictures of my place. I never thought I would ever be in this shape again or feel this good again. At 50 you may still have many years ahead of you. Its absolutely worthwhile getting in shape and staying healthy with exercise. and proper diet...... you can do it!!!!
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 53, soon to be 54 and have lost 35lbs. and 24 inches since June 6, 2012. The first week I lost the most, (water weight) however it was enough to kick my butt into gear. There were many weeks I stayed the same. It seems like I am on a lose 2 lbs, stay the same for 10 days, lose some more. It has been SLOW compared to my younger years that's for sure. I LOG everything I eat, even on the bad days. I started out walking 30 minutes per day and have graduated to a trainer twice per week for resistance training and weight lifting. The BEST money I ever spent. I simply cannot get over how quickly my body has responded to the training sessions even at my age. My strength and stamina have improved immensely since I started in early September.

    I consistently stay at 1200 calories or close to that. There are tons of people who think that's nuts, i don't care it was recommended by my cardiologist and it WORKS for me. I get the most for my 1200 calories. There's a lot of food to be had, but theres no real margin for processed or junk food, if you want to be satisfied. I stick to egg whites, cereal, tuna, talapia, salmon, ground turkey, chicken, almonds, fresh spinach and spring mix for salads, and any kind of veggies i like. I try to have a piece of fruit everyday, and I limit the dairy because it doesn't agree with me much. I rarely eat bread or crackers unless it is the whole grain variety. I'm not a huge rice or pasta fan but I have it now and again because my husband loves both. I drink beer and wine if I feel like I want to indulge, and I have sweets when I want them in moderation as well. I drink water (a LOT of it), black coffee. I did give up Diet Coke because it was getting to be a nasty habit I really didn't need and it causes me to crave junk food for some reason. I take Vitamin D (RX very deficient) and that's about it for me.

    You just need to find what works for you and your body. I did Weight Watchers years ago, and I actually worked for them. It is a great diet if it works for you. It worked for me, but I'd rather count calories than points and counting calories on MFP is FREE.

    Best of luck! You really can lose weight after 50!
  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member

    I am 54 and have lost 12 pounds since joining in Sept.
    Seems the saggy skin comes with age and it definitely does not bonce back as it us too.
    I found tracking my food and exercise daily is the key. I make notes each day to document how I am feeling and what successes and challenges I had that day.
    Remember yesterday is past (do not dwell on it), tomorrow is not here ( do not worry about it) and you have today only (to think about). :wink:
  • Thank you for the replies ladies...I am not completely new to high was 235 and I am at 195 now but most of that was lost a few years back. I see all the success stories of the younger women on here with their amazing pictures(even their stretch marks seem to fade away!) and I know that is not my reality. My main reason for losing this weight is to keep up with my grand kids and lessen the pain of the RA I was diagnosed with a few years back. BUT I am not without a degree of vanity and would like to look better too and wear cute clothes.
    it's nice to hear your stories and know that it WILL happen.
  • Larnsperger...thank you for the input on the calories...I am burning upward of 400 each day at the gym, eat around 1250 and my husband keeps trying to convince me I am not eating enough but I feel satisfied and actually haven't completely cut out the daily treat
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    I'm over 60 and have now lost over 55 lbs. I wrote a blog if interested in my story. I have never written before but wanted to share.

    Good luck
  • roxyhourican
    roxyhourican Posts: 16 Member
    I am 47 and have lost almost 20lbs now... I exercise 7 days a week. I run 4 miles mostly every day and lift weights with a trainer 4 times a week...i do find the losing weight proceess slow now than i am in my late 40's but i am enjoying all the clothes than have been hanging in my closet for years now that i am small enough to be able to wear them and that keeps me going everyday.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    58 here, have lost almost 70 pounds in 2 years. Great experience being on MFP, it sure helps. Skin will sag, there's no way around it. I try not to focus on that part too much and just get my butt down to the track as often as possible for some real good raise-the-heart-rate cardio. A couple years ago I was in pain while walking at a slow pace, now I'm pain-free and can even jog a bit! I walk my dogs every single day, and do jumping jacks, push ups and crunches fairly regularly. I lose best eating around 1250 cals which I have difficulty with at times, as in the past 3 months, lol. 1400 is so much easier, but I don't lose. Live and learn. Join the fun :)
  • Dallyhi
    Dallyhi Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 65 and have lost 52 pounds. The weight drop has slowed down considerably, but I keep trying. It's never too late to get healthy and fit.
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    I am now 56. Started the campaign summer 2011 and have lost 56lbs, with only one more to lose to reach my goal. I have enjoyed eating a variety of foods, mainly homemade, have controlled portion size and exercised regularly - walking and gym mostly, with a little running more recently. At only 5ft 1 I have had to learn ( rather late in life) that small people can't eat the same amounts as bigger people!
  • Songtothesiren
    Songtothesiren Posts: 388 Member
    Age don't matter - attitude do.

    You've lost 11lbs already - so here's to your first stone.

    I'm 49, I started losing my weight because I was worried about being 50 fat flabby and sad.

    My 50th hits in a few weeks.

    I now look better than I've EVER looked .... and I love it!

    Now go show the world just have damn fine you are!

  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    I turned 50 back in Feb, but took me till August to realise I needed to lose weight and tone up. Since then I've lost about 18lbs, down to 129lbs and a LOT fitter! I run 3 times per week and do 30DS etc
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