The importance of sleep

Hi everyone

Just a quick message to say, I've been struggling to lose the past couple of weeks (actually gained a little) but last night I got 12 hours sleep and I lost 2kg.

Normally I sleep for 5 hours, but I'm going to try and get longer sleep where possible from now on.

Has anyone else had similar results from sleeping longer?


  • susehocking
    susehocking Posts: 30 Member
    A couple of years ago after I stopped breastfeeding my youngest my hormones were all out of whack and I had 4 months of complete insomnia - that's 4 months of ZERO sleep.

    Not only did I gain weight, but I felt like my arms would fall off and my head would roll off my body and look up at me from the floor. I felt sick all the time and I was not a nice person to be around.

    Sleep is SOOOOOOO important. If I don't get at least 8 or so hours sleep a night I feel out of whack and I do notice it is harder to maintain or lose weight.
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    The way I see it, while I'm sleeping, I'm not eating ;).

    Seriously, yes, if I get lots of sleep the weight comes off. Some of it will be water but still... every little helps. So now, I go to bed when I'm tired (sometimes that can be around 9:30pm) and during the weekend I sleep until I wake naturally (can be 9am or later). During the week I get up at 7am.