Online colleges...Are they a scam?



  • Nursebeth7807
    Nursebeth7807 Posts: 5 Member
    You just have to choose a "real" college. I got my Associates in Nursing at a local community college, then completed my Bachelors in Nursing online through a local private university. Very legit, very real, and a whole lot of work! A common misconception is that online classes are "easier"... well I can tell you this is not the case! You will have just as many papers/exams, and the exams that I took for my BSN were styled in a way that you couldn't simply "Google" the answer, for those who may be looking for the easy way out. I'm currently enrolled at grad school online at the same university for my Masters in Nursing. It really is a great option for those in the "real world" who have jobs and other constraints that limit your ability to attend traditional classes. You will always have your "fly-by-night" online colleges - just pick a reputable school, check the accreditation, and go for it!
  • abrewer563
    I take all my courses through Wilmington University online and I love it. They have the same accredations as major universities and have a few programs completely on line. I've also taken online courses at the local community college and I loved those too. Not all are a scam, but I'd definitely check their accrediations before applying or registering.
  • Jellytotss
    I'm at the Open university which is mainly online - although we also have upto 6 hours of tutorials a month (depending upon the course).

    At the end of it I'll get a degree and in the UK degrees from the OU have a very good reputation as it means that I've managed to do it all while having other commitments.

    I do miss brick uni but with four kids ( with additional needs) it would be very difficult to do. The social side can be hard - its useful having other students to bounce ideas off but the upside is that i can work ahead in case of family emergencies.

    Also Harvard and a couple of others offer free courses - maybe have a look and try one and see how you go.

    The OU is great!! I am also a student with them now :) great flexibility as you say also considered highly :smile: only downside now is that new students have to pay increase fees, though the prices are still much cheaper than at brick unis! You don't have to work towards a degree either, you can do certificates, diplomas etc so depends on what you're looking to achieve :smile: