How people at a normal weight eat!

My co-workers are all in great shape. That doesn't mean they eat very healthy foods: some do, some don't. We have lunch together every day and since being on MFP, I've begun paying attention to how people of "normal" weight eat.

1. They eat small quantities of food.

2. They don't finish everything on their plate.

3. They talk while eating instead of stuffing their faces.

4. They move around more just because.

5. They are able to save half their lunch (often times) as leftovers for the next day.

6. They eat maybe one piece of candy, or a cookie, after a meal. Not 2, not 5, not 10.

7. Food (as a couple explained to me) is not for pleasure, even tasty food. It's for energy.

8. Over indulgence just doesn't happen.

9. They eat slowly.

10. No pigging out happens and if it does, it's not the overweight person's version of pigging out.


  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I'd like to think I'm at a normal weight... and I eat chocolate almost every day (and usually not just 1-2 pieces). I always finish my meals... I eat for pleasure... I don't know who these people are that you're conversing with but they sound awful.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    My co-workers are all in great shape. That doesn't mean they eat very healthy foods: some do, some don't. We have lunch together every day and since being on MFP, I've begun paying attention to how people of "normal" weight eat.

    1. They eat small quantities of food.

    2. They don't finish everything on their plate.

    3. They talk while eating instead of stuffing their faces.

    4. They move around more just because.

    5. They are able to save half their lunch (often times) as leftovers for the next day.

    6. They eat maybe one piece of candy, or a cookie, after a meal. Not 2, not 5, not 10.

    7. Food (as a couple explained to me) is not for pleasure, even tasty food. It's for energy.

    8. Over indulgence just doesn't happen.

    9. They eat slowly.

    10. No pigging out happens and if it does, it's not the overweight person's version of pigging out.

    Small sample size, not really indicative of how "normal" people eat.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I am not around very many people who eat normally, so this is a good topic.

    I like the idea of keeping in mind that you don't have to finish your plate and that talking while eating is a good way to ENJOY the experience of eating without overeating (associate positive, non-overeating traits with eating).

    I don't like the idea of thinking of food as not tasty. I'm okay with satisfying tastes, it's just the moderation part that I have trouble with.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My co-workers are all in great shape. That doesn't mean they eat very healthy foods: some do, some don't. We have lunch together every day and since being on MFP, I've begun paying attention to how people of "normal" weight eat.

    1. They eat small quantities of food.

    2. They don't finish everything on their plate.

    3. They talk while eating instead of stuffing their faces.

    4. They move around more just because.

    5. They are able to save half their lunch (often times) as leftovers for the next day.

    6. They eat maybe one piece of candy, or a cookie, after a meal. Not 2, not 5, not 10.

    7. Food (as a couple explained to me) is not for pleasure, even tasty food. It's for energy.

    8. Over indulgence just doesn't happen.

    9. They eat slowly.

    10. No pigging out happens and if it does, it's not the overweight person's version of pigging out.

    Small sample size, not really indicative of how "normal" people eat.

    This is true. This is where the everybody is different comes into play. Everybody puts different energy demands on their body. Some "normal" weight people can pig out like a 400 lb fat man. Many can't. It just depends on the energy demands on the body.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    My co-workers are all in great shape. That doesn't mean they eat very healthy foods: some do, some don't. We have lunch together every day and since being on MFP, I've begun paying attention to how people of "normal" weight eat.

    1. They eat small quantities of food.

    2. They don't finish everything on their plate.

    3. They talk while eating instead of stuffing their faces.

    4. They move around more just because.

    5. They are able to save half their lunch (often times) as leftovers for the next day.

    6. They eat maybe one piece of candy, or a cookie, after a meal. Not 2, not 5, not 10.

    7. Food (as a couple explained to me) is not for pleasure, even tasty food. It's for energy.

    8. Over indulgence just doesn't happen.

    9. They eat slowly.

    10. No pigging out happens and if it does, it's not the overweight person's version of pigging out.

    I'm at my normal weight and none of those is true for me
    and number 7 is just sad
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,248 Member
    I'm at my normal weight and none of those is true for me
    and number 7 is just sad

  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    1) It's true, I eat small meals throughout the day.
    2)Not really true unless I'm eating out
    5)I save half of my dinner for lunch the next day, usually :)
    7)Sometimes I eat for pleasure, other times I don't.
    8)About once a week
    9)Yeah, i do.
    10)Pigging out happens sometimes, but what do you consider overweight person's version?
  • SocWkrBee
    I agree with most of the responders. I am at a normal weight and none of this applies to me or any of the other normal weight people that I know. However, OP, I know that this is your interpretation. It is all relative. Number 7 is off to me. Normal weight people definitely enjoy the taste of food as much as the next person.
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Honestly, I think it all depends on many factors such as: age, gender, and physical activity levels. Oh, and a person's metabolism. Some just have super high and some super low.
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    10. No pigging out happens and if it does, it's not the overweight person's version of pigging out.
    Exactly this! I know what pigging out is. That's part of the reason I ended up the size I did. Now fast forward through time where I've changed my eating habits. I eat healthy and I eat reasonable portions....portions that I once laughed at. Now a week ago I went to a college football game with some of my lady friends and I had the choice of eating processed foods (something I don't do) or starving. I ate a cup of chex mix and what I later realized was only an ounce of tostitos with queso.....and announced to them, "I have not pigged out like that in a long time!" They laughed and pointed out that it wasn't pigging out. It took a while for that to sink in because to me I had pigged out, without a doubt. Obviously, my perception of pigging out has changed and I'm quite pleased with that!
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    #5 is really bothering me..

    If those 'normal' people are eating a properly portioned lunch and saved half of it then they are not getting the proper amount of calories in a day. If you are at home packing a single serving lunch why would you put enough for two days? What sort of things are they eating if they can safely be eaten at least 3 days after originally prepared? Unless you are talking about 'lunch portions' at restaurants, those are really too much food. If so, carry on and ignore me. If not, I call shenanigans.
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Honestly, I think it all depends on many factors such as: age, gender, and physical activity levels. Oh, and a person's metabolism. Some just have super high and some super low.

    Although there are some factors that can also cause problems such as your job. My mother was a paramedic for years and never knew when she sat down for a meal if the tones would go off and she would have to run out or if she would get to finish. This caused her to learn to eat super quickly and that ended up taking over every meal. Things like that can and will cause you to overeat.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I'd like to think I'm at a normal weight... and I eat chocolate almost every day (and usually not just 1-2 pieces). I always finish my meals... I eat for pleasure... I don't know who these people are that you're conversing with but they sound awful.


    And arent we forgetting the Wine?
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    This is an interesting topic, which I hope more perpetually slim people add to. The OP's observations (other than 7) seem valid. I notice my son, who is and always has been an ideal weight, behaves this way. He is unlike the rest of the family who will eat a desired food until it is gone. A related question is why? Same genetics, same environment, and yet he is different than the rest of us.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    10)Pigging out happens sometimes, but what do you consider overweight person's version?
    I did over 5000 calories the other day when I was being pretty restrained. Can do much worse if not stopping myself.
    (Free pizza at the climbing place I was at.)
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Sounds like a load of rubbish to me, and a couple of those pointers would lead me to think they have as difficult a relationship with food as overweight people, just in a different way.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    You also have to factor in (for the most part) you only see them eat one meal a day. Maybe some of them have an ED or save all their calories for dinner or breakfast. No one sees me eat anything but a salad usually but I save all my calories for dinner.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    My best friend is "normal" and she eats like a it's the last meal she is ever going to have...ever....makes me crazy....I eat one piece of pizza she eats half a pizza. grrr...
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    Just further proof that I am not a normal person! That's ok with me. I'm creating my "new normal". I love food. I usually eat the entire plate because I've pre-logged it. I'm just learning to eat more of the right things "most" of the time.