I'm mean.. but I just have to say..

ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
Overly allergic people get on my nerves. This is the second place I've worked where someone complained about my perfume or my lotion "closing their throats". Is it really preventing you from being able to breathe way over there? How is it possible that you're even smelling it? Why haven't you said anything the last two weeks that I've been wearing it? I think these people are hypochondriacs. It's not like I'm dousing myself in perfume. Honestly, using a good smelling lotion makes me happy and enjoy my day a little more.

Sorry if this offends anyone. Thanks for letting me vent.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    This reminds me of a story my co-worker told the other day. She had an older woman tell her after she returned from the bathroom that she was wearing way too much perfume. My co-worker said she had just washed her hands with soap and she doesn't wear perfume, so the lady was just crazy! Ha. :)

    I'm with you with good, smelly lotion. I have a small Warm Vanilla Sugar by Bath & Body Works I won from my boss during Christmas on my desk that I use everyday. It's a nice little pick-me-up.
  • OMG, you've got to be kidding me! I guess now that that one lawsuit has become so big everyone's gonna jump on the bandwagon. Kinda like how everyone started suing McDonald's for making them fat. :huh: Honestly, I think our society is taking this whole health-concious way of life to extremes.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Hehe thanks girls! I'm glad you guys think I'm normal!

    Arielle - I love warm vanilla sugar, mm! I was using bath and body works butterfly flower... it's very flowery! :)
  • I'm overly allergic, but only with regards to animals. That's why it really bothers me when animals are places they don't belong. I had to suffer through a 4 hour flight with a dog right behind me, wheezing and sneezing. Not fun! So I do think allergies need to be respected.

    However, people have become a little tough on perfume. I do think it's necessary, though, when people insist upon walking around in a fog of scent. The tasteful applicators and the dousers alike must suffer, apparently.
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    I live in Detroit, and I just heard on the news that they are banning perfume in government buildings. SO stupid. I totally agree with you!
  • dmmarie21
    dmmarie21 Posts: 254 Member
    Oh, Now you got me started! LOL.
    What about the people who sit next to you, at their desk, unable to take a "lunch break" and eat tuna, or smelly fish? Ugh. That annoys me! It's so stupid that when someone complains about lotion, they "ban" it. I think you should complain about peoples smelly food haha.
  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    It is crazy. We are not allowed to wear perfume because of allergies. I miss wearing it too.

    My big annoyance is people that run to the doctor for every little thing then talk about how sick they are when they have a runny nose. Wow.....getting that out there like that really made me feel better. lol
  • lynnie30
    lynnie30 Posts: 105 Member
    Oh, Now you got me started! LOL.
    What about the people who sit next to you, at their desk, unable to take a "lunch break" and eat tuna, or smelly fish? Ugh. That annoys me! It's so stupid that when someone complains about lotion, they "ban" it. I think you should complain about peoples smelly food haha.

    ew, I totally agree! I thought it was a common courtesy not to eat tuna or pop pop corn in a communal microwave.
  • However, people have become a little tough on perfume. I do think it's necessary, though, when people insist upon walking around in a fog of scent. The tasteful applicators and the dousers alike must suffer, apparently.

    So true. Whether the rest of us are allergic or not, some people reallllly need to re-evaluate the amount they're wearing. I'm not allergic nor do I have asthma, but there have been several occasions I've walked into a store or even an area outside and just get suffocated. Come on people, if you smell that bad, take a shower!:laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    We have an employee who complains of being hyper sensitive to smells, saying they cause headaches that make her unable to do her job. We have allowed her, under the Americans with Disabilities Act accomodations, to wear a mask over her nose and mouth while she works. :laugh:

    I understand having a problem with strong scents (floral scents especially give me a headache) and some perfumes really do trigger my allergies, but there has to be a good bit of it and it has to be right next to me.

    Maybe try a softer scent for the office? A mild vanilla scent is usually pretty tolerable to most people, I think.
  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    Ha. Right there with you. Senior year of high school I passed my friend some scented hand sanitizer and this girl who was on the complete opposite side of the room literally screamed "NOOOO" and the said "Don't put that on. I'm deathly allergic" I've also seen the same girl run out of classrooms holding her hand to her face pretending (yes we could all tell she was faking) to heave. Dramatic much?
  • Overly allergic people get on my nerves. This is the second place I've worked where someone complained about my perfume or my lotion "closing their throats". Is it really preventing you from being able to breathe way over there? How is it possible that you're even smelling it? Why haven't you said anything the last two weeks that I've been wearing it? I think these people are hypochondriacs. It's not like I'm dousing myself in perfume. Honestly, using a good smelling lotion makes me happy and enjoy my day a little more.

    Sorry if this offends anyone. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Is it possible they suffer from anaphylaxis?
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    We have allowed her, under the Americans with Disabilities Act accomodations, to wear a mask over her nose and mouth while she works.

    HAHahaha! I so want to tell this lady to buy a mask! This same lady brings her own WATER to work... not just bottled water but a whole tank thing! She says that the water here makes her sick... what? We even have a purifier on our faucet!

    I'm glad I'm at least allowed to wear it. I understand being sensitive to smells... I guess I should give her a break. I just want to use my awesome smelling lotion! :frown:
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    You're not mean at all. There is a girl in my office who is "selectively" allergic to scents that other people wear. Honestly, if she is in a bad mood one day, she will complain about the perfume someone is wearing, yet she wears the same one! I don't bloody think so. I agree that strong scents shouldn't be worn in a closed environment, but lotions and creams are not that strong.

    Have a great day everyone :drinker:
  • mstanley
    mstanley Posts: 121 Member
    I am a teacher, and I've heard that there is a teacher on a different campus that won't allow students to use scented deodorant even. I think that is taking it way too far!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Is it possible they suffer from anaphylaxis?

    It's a possibility, although she didn't mention it. I'm going to be respectful and switch to unscented.... I just wish I didn't have to.
  • txcwgirl
    txcwgirl Posts: 127 Member
    I agree some people go over board on their reactions but there are people who scents do bother.

    I personally cannot handle flowery scents of perfumes or lotions but I have no problems with vanilla, cherry or fruit scents. If I'm around a scent that bothers me that much I try to say something politely to the person (if in my office) or I step away from it.

    So wear what you like but go light on it because you never know who it might actually cause a real problem for.
  • there is nothing wrong with wearing them. and im not allergic to them either(at least i dont think) i dont complain about it, or anything. but when they are to strong their to strong. i get very light headed. but thats about it. nothing more. i usually dont say anything at first, but if i start to get really bug me ill point it out. try using little less or put it at certain times. so it doesnt effect so much. i try to be as polite as i can and tell them :)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Oh, Now you got me started! LOL.
    What about the people who sit next to you, at their desk, unable to take a "lunch break" and eat tuna, or smelly fish? Ugh. That annoys me! It's so stupid that when someone complains about lotion, they "ban" it. I think you should complain about peoples smelly food haha.

    I totally agree! This place stinks often, honestly! I used to hate it when my roommate ate tuna and left her dirty dish in the sink for days... ugh! Stinky! Glad I don't have that roomie anymore!

    I'm going to be eating a hard boiled egg at lunch time at my desk... I guess I'm guilty too!
  • I have a close friend who suffers from anaphylaxis and her throat can close up & she can die if someone anywhere near her has eaten a number of different foods recently (she is most allergic to peanuts). While in school, there were quite a few people who didn't believe her for whatever reason, and they used to throw peanuts at her and put them in her bookbag, etc. She had to go to the hospital at least 3 times for it.

    Another friend of mine suffers from anaphylaxis and actually went into shock & then a coma from a reaction that she didn't even realize she was allergic to.

    Even if these people annoy you or whatever, sometimes the best thing to do is to be courteous and oblige their requests. You never know, maybe they are embarrassed and don't want to fully explain their medical condition (though if it's a bad enough condition they definitely should alert everyone). I guess knowing people who suffer from severe allergies has opened my eyes to their suffering.