Do you find it not being hungry while on your menstruation? everytime i am on my period, I have 0 appetite. does any of you ladies experience with this? And before and after your period cycle ends, you end up having huge appetites? DURING pms I experience no appetite at all. Why? thanks


  • Yup! The week before, I have a ridiculous appetite, and ALWAYS feel hungry. Then, during, it dwindles down to about nothing.

    ...what really gets to me, though, is the 2+ lb. weight gain the week before! Gah. I know it's just water weight, and I'll lose it again after, but it's depressing! I just have to convince myself not to step on my scale that week!

    My guess as to why is simply hormone fluctuations. I'd like to hear the actual scientific explanation...
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Yes ma'am!
    I can always tell I'm a week out when I start getting emo and I want to eat EVERYTHING!
    this past cycle I "gained" 5 lbs overnight b/c of the water weight. I was SO SAD that I didn't binge. This time.

    Do the best to stick with your plan and track things although weighing in can be discouraging (IMHO).

    Having to log in all the chocolates I ate was interesting. Is was it is though.

    When I am not hungry at all I have myself eat things that are simple and fit the bill like bread and cheese and those protein shakes I like. Better than nothing. =D
  • I have no appetite either on my cycle or before. Towards the end I will have a chocolate craving, but it is a tiny one. I will have a little something. It hasn't affected my weight though, such as I didn't gain. I continued to lose.
  • Jolie_K
    Jolie_K Posts: 38 Member
    Yes I'm always hungry before and after!
  • I get SUPER hungry during my cycle its a struggle my willpower has to work on over drive. I crave sweets :ohwell: lol..
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Some women want to eat and some don't want to eat and some don't change. Just log. At least you will be thinking about your actions.
  • kacieluzier
    kacieluzier Posts: 18 Member
    I have the same problem.
    But, I've found that when you have a certain 'craving', if you get something crunchy to munch on, like celery or carrots, that craving goes away. Hell, just chewing gum will give your mouth something to do so you're not eating all the bad stuff. It's worked for me :) I hope you feel better and eat something!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Hormones. Just learn how your cycle acts and live with it. The week after my period I have a huge loss. The week before I'll maintain or even have a gain. I'm pretty consistent and have learned to accept it.