How did you meet the love of your life?



  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I met my special man on! Hehe! I always thought online dating was kind of silly.... then I met Aaron and we've been happily together for 1 year and 6 months!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Hmmm I love all the love stories! Good reading for sure...

    I met my love at my current Base(I am in the USAF). We both work in the same section, we are both Diet Techs. The very first day I saw him I was in love. For the first month we would just look at each other, we wouldn't say much. We both wanted to be around each other all the time, though we didn't want people to know. I think we were both very shy, because we were so attracted to each other. Anywho after that first month he, I guess, he decided to make his move. He asked me if he could speak to me privately in the break room. I said sure and headed that way to meet him. As I entered the breakroom, he turned bright red. Now I am the very outgoing type and its very hard to embarass me and I am very staright forward, so when it came to him(Nick is his name) I was not going to change. I sat next to him and asked him what did he want to talk to me about? He tried to say something, then he stopped and said nevermind, just forget it! I was like what? You dragged me all the way back here for nothing? He then replied, I just can't say it, I am not sure how you will take it. I then replied, "I think you are very handsome and I would love to hang out with you outside of work sometime." He immediately said that is exactly what I wanted to say and wanted to have me over that very night. As our converstation ended and he was leaving the breakroom, he was trying to be cool and was walking backwards. He was saying goodbye and he would see me that night, while doing so he ran into the door. At that moment I knew that would be the guy I would be with for the rest of my life. It was too cute. That very night I went over there and it was like we had been dating for years. We got along so well and have been attached to the hip since then, well not right now because he is deployed but yea he is pretty much my angel. Before him I dated a very abusive guy for 4 years. I never knew what a good man was until I met him. He saved me. I have never felt so loved, respected and adored in all my life. Everyone that encounters Nick falls in love with how kind and gentle and light hearted he is. I actually thank the Military for sending me here, because without Nick I would be lost and unloved.
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    I suppose you could use the term "high school sweethearts." Although many things had to fall into place for us after high school for us to get married. Andrew joined the Air Force about 1 year after his high school graduation, which was just a few months after I graduated. We kept a long distance relationship going while he went through basic training and HOT training in Texas (I lived and worked in NY) While he was off doing his thing I enrolled in college and moved to upstate NY. I remember the day he called me with his orders as to where he was going to be permanently stationed, he said CA, my heart dropped knowing that our relationship would likely end as a college student and an A1C could never afford to fly back and forth and see one an other. The very next day Andrew called back and said he traded his orders with a friend and that he would be stationed in DE. It was awesome, because I knew then we could drive to see one and other, and that is just what we did for 2 1/2 years until I was done with school.

    I began planning our wedding in late summer 2001. September 11th changed our plans, Andrew could deploy at any moment and we canceled everything. If the phone call for deployment came I would leave school and we would elope. Luckily for us he didn't deploy until spring and January 12th 2002 we got married in a Dover court house. We have talked about having a real ceremony one day for the sake of family and friends, but after years of marriage and 2 kids later somehow to us it just doesn't really matter, we are together, in love, and happy and that is all that really matters.
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    My parents met at a bowling alley. My dad worked there and my mom would go and bowl every week. They will be married 35 years on May 3rd.
  • tinap1
    tinap1 Posts: 27
    awwwww........I met my guy on Myspace actually. A guy I had dated had ended our relationship so I was upset with him and added a bunch of guys one evening. Kev just happened to be one. He messaged me a little but it wasnt a whole lot of conversation. One night I up and sent him my number. We talked every day for hours at a time. He was leaving for the beach that following week and asked if he could see me before he left. We met at Olive Garden that Friday and then went to his place and watched a movie. It was like we had known each other our whole lives. That night when I left he walked me to the car and kissed me. From that moment I knew I loved him. He called almost imediately after I left and we talked all the way home. Two days following he left for the beach and called me at least 3 times a day....(Ihaha it was supposed have been a guys week) 3 weeks later he looked at me and said, "I really like you alot.....I think I love you a little" It couldnt have been saaid any better!! July 11 will be 2 years!! He is the best thing that has ever happened to me!!!
  • empiremom
    empiremom Posts: 52
    i met mine at Pizza Hut! i was straight out of college and a failed relationship. He had just gotten off active duty with the Coast Guard in the Carribean. I was his waitress. He asked me out in a crazy way!

    2 weeks later we were engaged!!! :noway:

    5 months later we were married and the rest they say is history...

    we are still crazy crazy about each other even after 19 yrs of marriage! :love:
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Met on a strange online political sort of game, in the chat room. It was a fluke I joined the game, I heard about it on a radio show driving along one day and for some reason remembered the name of the website, he got a computer hints and tips email that recommended the site about a week before me. At that time thousands of people were joining the site, and you could be invited to join different 'regions' we both happened to join the same region and for the first time in my life I joined a chat room, so did he. We hit it off in a very anonymous way. I did not really know if he was even male or female or what part of the world he was from. We eventually started talking on MSN and then emails, by then we had realised I was in England and he was in Toronto, Canada. But we talked and then he gave me his home and work telephone numbers and one day I picked up enough courage to call him, he wasn't there (darn time difference) but WOW he had an answerphone and I just fell in love with his voice! I even rang back to listen to the message again! lol

    We started to talk on the phone for hours and hours on end, worked up massive phone bills and then eventually after almost a year he got on a plane and came to England, rented a cottage a short walk from my house in the village for a week, and then another cottage farther away for the second week in case we did not get on. It was rented from the Saturday and he did not arrive until the Sunday so I got the keys and was waiting in the house when he pulled up in the taxi. I can see him getting out of the back now in my head, and he can see me looking down at him as he walked up the cottage path, I knew from the moment I saw him that it was him, and he felt the same. All 3 of my kids liked him right away and when he moved to the second cottage we went with him. He went home, and started the process of applying for his visa right away. He sold up and moved here about 4 months later.

    We married 6 months ago, after being together for 5 years. He is my soul mate, my kids love and accept him and he has been a rock for me through some incredibly tough times.

    I am so grateful that against all the odds that we found each other, we shared the same dream one night, of our Wedding, whilst he was still in Canada. and when we married in September it was better than the dream, but it was also what we were meant to do. I had such a perfect day, and when he saw me coming up the aisle of the little Church were I went as a child and my Mum is buried, his face told me all I needed to know about how he felt.

    Our first dance song was 'At Last' sung by Etta James, it says everything we feel. We sang it to each other as we danced and it is engraved on the inside of our Wedding rings.
  • My wife (Kaechelle - she is on here too) was heaven sent to me - literally! We met through a little Christian dating site called We exchanged emails for awhile and got to know each other. I had given up hope of dating anyone for a while at that time, that is part of my testimony. She drove up to meet me, and attend worship with me, one Sunday night. We had a wonderful time that night. We were able to keep in touch and a year later we were married. It has been 3 1/2 years since that blessed September night when we met and I love her more and more everyday. Next to Salvation she is my biggest blessing.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    My wife (Kaechelle - she is on here too) was heaven sent to me - literally! We met through a little Christian dating site called We exchanged emails for awhile and got to know each other. I had given up hope of dating anyone for a while at that time, that is part of my testimony. She drove up to meet me, and attend worship with me, one Sunday night. We had a wonderful time that night. We were able to keep in touch and a year later we were married. It has been 3 1/2 years since that blessed September night when we met and I love her more and more everyday. Next to Salvation she is my biggest blessing.

    Awwww... that's me! Same story applies so no need to repeat! He is my blessing too! Now we are on this journey together to take better care of ourselves and enjoy more of life together!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    So many sweet stories! I was really moved by several of them. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    Even though I got divorced My Ex-wife did have my daughter and son who are the love of my life.
  • A really awful life experience actually brought me to a group of new wonderful friends. He was one of them. At my birthday party he kissed me and told me that he's had feelings for me since he met me. The rest is history. <3
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    Wow....all these wonderful stories. Nice to hear about other things besides weight, eating, exercising, etc.

    I met my hubby in a bar. His friend was actually interested in my friend and my friend said "I dont think so". She walked away leaving me with this guy who basically was rejected and his friend comes back and asks "who the hell is this?" I said that is the best line I have ever heard. I couldn't stand him when I first met him.....but got to talking and went to an after hours bar and they followed and long story short we have been together 14 yrs. married almost 9yrs. I always said I would never date a guy I met in a bar. Never say never!:ohwell:
  • Яaquel
    Яaquel Posts: 90
    I meet my husband in 8 grade dated for 5 years & married for 7 years =] 12 years in total & we are only 24 & 25 =D
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    I met my husband in Yahoo chat 11 years ago,moved from Toronto to Victoria BC to be with him 9 years ago and married him 3 years ago. I haven't looked back since.
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    At a singles dance ... mainly it was people over 30-ish and who had been married before.

    They say second time's a charm .......

    We have been married for 16+ years now. I used to say "I hit the lottery of love."

    But now it's more like "I am bankrupt in misery."

    LOL - It's not all bad, trust me, but it's not like it was in the beginning.

  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    My husband and I met on the internet.

    I had just gotten out of a majorly life-threatening relationship and had had enough, but had my profile up on a dating site, just to see what was out there... he kept showing up as a 94% match, and had these photos that just... spoke so well of him. He's a giant human being- 6'5 and a hockey player, and he had this photo of miniature dachshund puppies crawling all over him... what got me, was his hands- how big they were, but how GENTLE they were, on the puppies. And that is my husband- gentle giant. So after a few weeks of him being my top match, and nothing being said, I decided "well, if he writes to me, it's meant to be", and went to bed. The next morning, I had an email from him.

    We spent 2.5 months talking on the phone, writing snail-mail letters, emails, etc, before I moved over to our city, for school. He met me at my dorm, helped me unpack, and I met his family that day for a dinner. It was pretty much clinched.

    We've been inseparable ever since.. that was nearly 9 years ago now.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    My wife (Kaechelle - she is on here too) was heaven sent to me - literally! We met through a little Christian dating site called We exchanged emails for awhile and got to know each other. I had given up hope of dating anyone for a while at that time, that is part of my testimony. She drove up to meet me, and attend worship with me, one Sunday night. We had a wonderful time that night. We were able to keep in touch and a year later we were married. It has been 3 1/2 years since that blessed September night when we met and I love her more and more everyday. Next to Salvation she is my biggest blessing.

    Awwww... that's me! Same story applies so no need to repeat! He is my blessing too! Now we are on this journey together to take better care of ourselves and enjoy more of life together!

    That is so sweet! :happy:
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