First Workout...

Options a really long time. It kicked my butt!! I hopped on the treadmill for what I thought was going to be 30 min, but after 15 it was really hard for me to continue. It definitely made me realize that I need to start a little less head strong. I can get to 30 min. if I let my body remember what it is to even work out in the first place. So for now, instead of 2 workouts/30 min. per week, I think I'll do 4 workouts/15 min. per week. Am I wimping out?


  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    no, you have to pace yourself. marathn runners dont start off running 26 their first try. you have to build and work up to things like that. i know it seems frustrating but you have to take into account your current physical condition and work at your current level and build upon it.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Despite what you felt today, the initial adaptation and improvement should be steady--and may be quicker than you think. I would work on duration first until you can go at least 30 min and then start working on speed.
  • Mortiz05
    Mortiz05 Posts: 9
    Iv'e been dieting for 4 weeks now and I'm down 9 pounds. The one thing that I have'nt made myself so yet is workout! I knoww I need to make the time to do this and i know I will be just like you! My body will be in shock and I'm not looking forward to it at all. But I totally agree with you, pace yourself, nothing to heavy ,15 minutes a day is totally what I will be doing starting this week. I wish you luck and myself on this journey. We will get there, I gotta get my body groovin again and it will be all good!!
  • MattDustin
    MattDustin Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah, thats how I got my stamina up. Consistency is important, just keep going and you'll get there! I like to do cardio 3-4 times a week, do the same amount each time, 15 minutes, then the next week do 17 minutes, each time, then just build up like that. It worked great for me! Keep a log too of what you do so you can see your progress, thats encouraging.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    All my advice is anecdotal :)...I thought I had to really push it, too...always do more, more more...then one day I pushed up the incline and the speed and killed myself for 60 I can't get anywhere near a treadmill because it did something to my hip and I can hardly walk.

    You will get better quickly, but always always listen to your body and don't push too hard...only compare yourself to yourself. Have fun!