Ladies who are 200+ pounds



  • Hungrygirl88
    SW: 253

    CW: 195

  • pellini76
    pellini76 Posts: 51 Member

    I'm currently sitting at 202lbs but started out at 220lb. Feel free to add me.

  • hshandro
    Hi ladies! Please feel free to add me too! I started at 222 after my second child was born, and I'm down to 201. I'd love to be back to the 145 I was when I got married 6.5 years ago. Wishful thinking?

    Also - anyone else out there who is frustrated by how BMI is calculated? At my tip top shape I was skinny, muscular, healthy, and 145 pounds. According to BMI calculators I was overweight. Do I just carry weight differently?
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    I am in the lower 200s, always looking for motivational friends.
  • pellini76
    pellini76 Posts: 51 Member
    I don't think BMI calculators take muscle and shape into consideration i.e. Women with more up top. My ideal weight by the BMI calculators is 11 stone but if I lose that much weight I look wrong. My waist goes in and so is my bust now but after having 3 kids, the heaviest being 9lb 10oz, my hips wont go in so I look like an exagerated hourglass if I lose too much.
  • pellini76
    pellini76 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi ladies! Please feel free to add me too! I started at 222 after my second child was born, and I'm down to 201. I'd love to be back to the 145 I was when I got married 6.5 years ago. Wishful thinking?

    Also - anyone else out there who is frustrated by how BMI is calculated? At my tip top shape I was skinny, muscular, healthy, and 145 pounds. According to BMI calculators I was overweight. Do I just carry weight differently?

    I don't think BMI calculators take muscle and shape into consideration i.e. Women with more up top. My ideal weight by the BMI calculators is 11 stone but if I lose that much weight I look wrong. My waist goes in and so is my bust now but after having 3 kids, the heaviest being 9lb 10oz, my hips wont go in so I look like an exagerated hourglass if I lose too much.
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Starting weight was 249, current is about 213. I'm old enough to be your mother, but hey, we share a common goal, so feel free to add me too.
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    I started at 228 at the end of July 2012 and am currently at 203.

    I'm always looking for extra support and motivation.

    Feel free to add!
  • optionalsourcewins
    optionalsourcewins Posts: 457 Member
    My highest was 264 and I've lost 43 lbs. I working to reach my goal of getting below 150 lbs. I have always been overweight and didn't know the steps to get my weight under control. I'm changing all that now!!!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like!!
  • 504Crystal
    504Crystal Posts: 26 Member
    We'll all get there! It's really hard for me to fight my urge to under eat. I'm doing really well this time around. :)
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am currently 207, started here at 300...heaviest 335. Yeah..I get it! I have an open diary...not always the best example, but it works for me :smile:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I started at around 220lbs last year after my 2nd baby (although I've only been using MFP for a few months) and I'm now about 168lbs. I'm aiming to be between 150-155 and then will re-evaluate.

    So although I'm not over 200 now, I was last year so I know what it's like.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Mallory3215
    Mallory3215 Posts: 12 Member
    I recently just had a baby and in September 2012 I weighed 248. I currently weigh 208. I lost alot of baby weight and then I just took advantage of that and kept going.... Now, I'm starting to lose steam so I could definitely use some motivation!!

    I could also use new meal ideas/snack ideas. I get tired of the same old stuff! :)
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Would like to be 150ish, anyone feel free to add me, the more motovation the better!!!
    Good Luck to all
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    HW - Dec 28th 2011 - 273 :noway:
    CW (as of this am) 201.6 :laugh:
    Onderland - 11/25/2012 ???
    1st goal - 170
    2nd goal - 150 ( will sit there and see if the body can sustain this easily)

    I think the Charts 'suggested weight - 136' may not be realistic - I am a big boned petite 5'2" lady. So 1st Ultimate goal - 150. As some others have said - not sure when I was lst in onderland but it was when I was in grade school or junior high. :blushing: :ohwell:

    I have an open diary - and some days - not as good as it should be. I had Lapband surgery on 6/28/12. I have since lost 37 pounds since.

    Anyone who would like to add me - feel free. I am on every day and post encouragement for friends most days..
  • MzGoddezz
    MzGoddezz Posts: 20 Member
    My starting weight was 244. My short term goal is 180 but eventually I want to get to to 140.
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    started off at 250, now 193! but i know how it can be a struggle at times, you can ad me if you like. ill help out at much as i can:)
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    Hello, you can add me. I started at 271 and I am, currently 234. My goal is 168 which is the high point of the normal range for my height but will see how it goes and stop when I'm happy with how I look.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Hello, 247 highest 258 ... lowest (in adulthood) 228 ... my goal is 150 .. I am 26