Shedding for the Wedding!

I'm trying to get into shape for my wedding and need some friends to help keep me motivated. Add me!:smile:


  • I was going to reply to this, and then you added me! Lol.

    I'm trying to do the same thing (wedding is June 15, 2013), so anyone in the same boat...add me too! :)
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
  • ME!!! :tongue: I'm getting married Sept 14th 2013!! So excited!!! Lets see if I can drop 30-40lbs by March so I can purchase the perfect wedding dress! Like I always say, K.I.M. (keep it moving)! Which, by the way ladies, Kim also happens to be my name!:laugh:
  • I'm also hoping to shape up for my wedding (August 2013). Add me and we can cheer each other on :)
  • healthyallison
    healthyallison Posts: 2 Member
    I"m getting married next summer - I could definitely use a buddy to motivate me!

    Also congrats to anyone else getting married! Eeeee so exciting!!
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    ummm if that's you in the profile pic, you look great and not sure what you'd be "shedding"
  • Me too!! I have fallen of the fitness bandwagon, and would love to find the motivation to she'd some weight before my wedding day (Oct 2013)!
  • I'm getting married 8/31/13... i need motivation!!!
  • My time to get in shape for the dress is rapidly decreasing. I'm going through the list and following everyone here. It would be great if you could all follow me too for the final push (March 16, 2013).
  • Juslane
    Juslane Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats to all! I am in the same boat as u ladies. I am getting married .in Nov. 2, 2013. Please help me stay motivated so I can reach goal and lo:happy: ok fabulous !
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    I'm not getting married (yet), but am bridesmaid for a good friend's wedding in March 2013! Haha, we'll be buying dresses at some point, when my friend finally stops being too busy to plan her own wedding (-.-) and I want to look good next to all her super tiny other bridesmaids :D
  • Sari9912
    Sari9912 Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! I'm getting married 8/3/13 and I'd like to lose about 10 pounds and really tone up.
  • tiggercub20
    tiggercub20 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm getting married Sept 28, 2013 and I want to lose 30lbs by March to find THE dress. Any motivation would be greatly appreciated and if you need a smile or some encouragement just message me and I'll do my best!! :happy: I don't check in online everyday but I do check my messages and log with my app everyday. So a friend request and a message will get smiles MUCH faster!! :happy: