7 month progress: it can be slow but stick to it

Hey everyone. I've been on MFP for 7 months now. I've struggled and had successes along the way. I've been up and down- but one thing has been consistent: I never once considered "quitting".

Food logging is a great way to remain accountable and keep your health in check. Some weeks we don't lose anything. Others we gain. Or in my case over a 7 month period you gain a LOT!

My goal started like everyone else's: lose weight. But as I started eating better I felt better so I added cardio. After feeling the endorphin rush I went and signed up for a gym membership. I started eating a lot and my weight shot up. I got really depressed but I stuck to it.

Now after several months into a healthy eating and exercise lifestyle I can tell you that the weight doesn't matter anymore. I feel good and I look in the mirror and am proud of myself and my progress. For the first time in my life I can run, bench press, and do anything I so desire with relative ease.

I'm posting this in general because I see so many people come in and fail after a few days/weeks/months. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are too aggressive. Set yourself up for a healthy loss over a long period of time to improve your life and self image. This is a lifestyle change and choice, not a diet. Diets don't work, but life does!

May 10 2012
42 hips
41 chest
42.5 belly button
14.5 bicep

November 20th 2012
41 hips
42 chest
42 belly button
16 bicep
Mid thigh 25.25

Even with those small changes I've pulled my belt 2 more notices, I went from an XL shirt to a M, and I can run 5k with ease. Remember that life isn't a race but instead a journey.

Go back to your logging and life today with a new attitude and strength; you can and will do this. You will succeed because its so easy to count calories and add some mild exercise to your life. You can do it because you are strong and want this. So go get it!


  • Jason3589
    Hey everyone. I've been on MFP for 7 months now. I've struggled and had successes along the way. I've been up and down- but one thing has been consistent: I never once considered "quitting".

    Food logging is a great way to remain accountable and keep your health in check. Some weeks we don't lose anything. Others we gain. Or in my case over a 7 month period you gain a LOT!

    My goal started like everyone else's: lose weight. But as I started eating better I felt better so I added cardio. After feeling the endorphin rush I went and signed up for a gym membership. I started eating a lot and my weight shot up. I got really depressed but I stuck to it.

    Now after several months into a healthy eating and exercise lifestyle I can tell you that the weight doesn't matter anymore. I feel good and I look in the mirror and am proud of myself and my progress. For the first time in my life I can run, bench press, and do anything I so desire with relative ease.

    I'm posting this in general because I see so many people come in and fail after a few days/weeks/months. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are too aggressive. Set yourself up for a healthy loss over a long period of time to improve your life and self image. This is a lifestyle change and choice, not a diet. Diets don't work, but life does!

    May 10 2012
    42 hips
    41 chest
    42.5 belly button
    14.5 bicep

    November 20th 2012
    41 hips
    42 chest
    42 belly button
    16 bicep
    Mid thigh 25.25

    Even with those small changes I've pulled my belt 2 more notices, I went from an XL shirt to a M, and I can run 5k with ease. Remember that life isn't a race but instead a journey.

    Go back to your logging and life today with a new attitude and strength; you can and will do this. You will succeed because its so easy to count calories and add some mild exercise to your life. You can do it because you are strong and want this. So go get it!
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Great attitude!
  • Jason3589
    Agree wholeheartedly with your comments there. I think we all get too hung up on what the scales are telling us, rather than looking at the subtle changes in the mirror. I was a slave to the scales but it was telling me my weight was increasing, but everything else was telling me different. So ditched the scales, best move l made
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    Great attitude, thanks for sharing your story.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Diets don't work, but life does!

    Amen brother
  • rachaelbmh
    I love your outlook on this! Sometimes instead of needing a shift in diet and exercise, we just need a shift of perception. It's awesome that you're satisfied with the results you've achieved - you're doing awesome! Thanks for being so inspiring!
  • Annie_Fannie
    Love your attitude! Keep doing what your doing! Nothing wrong with slow.... its still progress and your frame of mind is going to help that wonderful progress continue! Thanks for sharing!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Agree wholeheartedly with your comments there. I think we all get too hung up on what the scales are telling us, rather than looking at the subtle changes in the mirror. I was a slave to the scales but it was telling me my weight was increasing, but everything else was telling me different. So ditched the scales, best move l made

    The scale lies my friend, good on ya. :)
  • ddwin
    ddwin Posts: 78
    Kudos!! I've felt the same way since getting serious about 14 weeks ago. Progress is slow, and after a bit of internal struggling...that's exactly what I'm looking for. Slow and steady! Allowing the 'bad weekends' to happen, without guilt because let's face it...this is life. You're right, it's not a race and that's something that took a while for me to grasp. This weight didn't come on in a few weeks time, it's not gonna come off in a few weeks either. During the program I was involved with a trainer had pointed out...even if you lose 1/2lb a week. In a years time, that's 26lbs!

    Here's to enjoying the journey!
  • had_2
    had_2 Posts: 19
    Thanks that was a reality check I needed. I just work so hard and too look how I do is diappointing.
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    great post! Thanks for that!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    great post! Thanks for that!

    No problem :)
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Wonderful advice. So true. Thanks for the reminder!
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Great post! I've been on my journey about 6 months. It occurred to me today that my journey has been 2 steps forward, 1 step back. But I'm still getting there!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Great post! I've been on my journey about 6 months. It occurred to me today that my journey has been 2 steps forward, 1 step back. But I'm still getting there!

    But it's still 1 step forward after the math is done!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Wonderful advice. So true. Thanks for the reminder!

    I'm just happy to help. :)