
I was wondering if anyone has done nutrisystem and what their results/thoughts on it are? I understand that its important to learn to cook healthy, manage portion size and all that; however, I lead a very busy life right now and have a crazy work and class schedule. I am considering doing this for a few months until i find my groove in this whole process. Hopefully I can get into the habit of working out on a regular basis and then eventually incorp. cooking healthy and all step at a time for me!


  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    do you have one day per week that you can prepare all your meals in advance?

    if you do then i suggest that you take advantage of it and get really focused on how to prepare healthful food...

    i always cook a few meals in advance and store in the freezer so that even if its been a crazy day i know that i can walk in the door, pull something from the freezer, heat it up and we can eat something that ive prepared, i know what has gone in to it and its not full of salt and preservatives...

    it does take some time to set yourself up, but its well worth it in the long a whole lot cheaper!
  • joycehostetler
    I tried Nutrisystem before and it did not work for me. I personally thought the food was horrible. Not only do you have to purchase the food you also have to purchase, bread, fruits, veggies, etc., and truthfully it got really expensive. But, if you want to give it a try by all means do. It does work for some people. Just not me. I personally like eating "regular" food and learning to eat by what is available to me.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You don't have to eat healthy food to lose weight (not that I'd put any of the prepackaged foods in the healthy category) but you do need to eat less to lose weight. Focus on your portions and getting more fruits and veggies in as snacks. There's no special diet foods that you need to be able to lose weight. I eat at Wendy's at least twice a week and have the kids hamburger meal. 470 calories of sodium laced grease but it still fits in my budget.
  • sabrakay1
    sabrakay1 Posts: 45 Member
    I have also tried Nutrisystem and Jenny Craig. It does get expensive and it did not work for me. I gained weight and the food is not all that great.
  • Hyermi
    Hyermi Posts: 6 Member
    I tried it. I lost 20 pounds in about 3 months. I think my brother lost 60 on it. It was pretty simple to use. I ended up quitting and gaining it back for a couple reasons though. I didn't like the taste of some of the food. Notice how I said some of the food. Some of it is fine. You just have to learn to customize to what you will actually eat, which I didn't. Also you have to bring you food everywhere and not eat what everyone else is eating. In some situations that stunk. Finally, it is expensive to keep up.
  • laura_lynn66
    I have not tried it, but had friends who did..very expensive and the food did not look too appetizing, anyway.
    They lost a little or none at all and lost a lot of pun intended
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I had considered it but the food looks repulsive. Yuck - no wonder people lose weight with it.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    I have not tried it, but had friends who did..very expensive and the food did not look too appetizing, anyway.
    They lost a little or none at all and lost a lot of pun intended

    We must be friends. Ended up throwing most of the food away (along with whatever it cost to buy the food).

    ***I did stick with it for 6 weeks or so. So It's not like I gave up in a few days.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I did it a few times. I always lost, but regained when I tried to transition off. The food was highly processed and got boring really fast. Also, do a web search for "nutri toots". A lot of people experience some really nasty side effects from NS foods.
  • telam1186
    I tried it a few years ago. It costs about $300 a month and you still have to add your own foods. It works, but if you have a family, you are also preparing meals for them. Once you start eating normal foods again, though, the weight comes back on. My suggestion would be to control your portions and eat what everyone else does.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I tried it. Lost about 30 pounds. Gained it all back and then some. It was expensive and the food was terrible. Plus, you have to buy certain food above and beyond what you purchase from them. I hate to be negative, but in this instance I would encourage you to be patient and learn to fix healthy meals and measure your portions.
  • lalalalyndsey
    I tried it, lost a bunch of weight, but wasn't able to keep it off since I had no idea how to do it on my own. I wouldn't recommend it. Plus, most of the food tastes GROSS D:
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    I did it and lost 20 lbs 2 years ago, really all it did was teach me that my daily portions of food were too big. Some of the food is horrible, some is really good. Key concept with it you need to be ready to eat less.
  • aadutton
    I have never done Nutrisystem but have done Jenny Craig...3 times. Same idea. It worked for me when I was doing it. Worked great. Food is actually pretty good. Expensive, but pretty good. However, it inevitably gets old, especially if you have a lot to lose, like I did. And, every time I've done it, I've gained everything back. Everything. Sometimes, plus more. It's just not a long-term solution.

    That said, this is just MY opinion and for some people, I'm sure it could work. I'm not one of them.

    Good luck.

    ETA: I think Jenny food is generally thought of as quite a bit better than Nutrisystem I'm seeing a lot of comments saying NS food is terrible. If the food wasn't good, I don't know how it could ever work...
  • laura_lynn66
    I did it a few times. I always lost, but regained when I tried to transition off. The food was highly processed and got boring really fast. Also, do a web search for "nutri toots". A lot of people experience some really nasty side effects from NS foods.

    oops, forgot about THAT...heard THAT mom did Alli and had THAT too...
  • okstategurl
    Ohhhh lord, thats the last thing I need HAHAHA healthy eating has some side effects of its own, dont need any extra :)
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 894 Member
    I thought about it, but the meals are so high in carbs that I passed.
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    i used nutrisystem once, the food was horrible.
    It was over expensive
    I found preplanning meals and freezing them or making for a week at a time was more cost friendly and it helped me.
  • LMick1986
    I did try it....for all the same reasons as you. It's not worth it in my opinion. I thought the food was good. It gets expensive though. You have the food they send you, but you have to buy extra stuff also. So all the veggies and fruit you need, you gotta buy it. Any bread you need, you have to buy it. Needless to say, I quit after just two months. I only lost about three pounds during that time. I've lost more doing it this way....just tracking everything and working out more.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have a couple of friends that tried it, along with my dad. Yep, they lost weight, but when they stopped, they all gained the weight back. Its very expensive, one friend told she spent $300/month, don't know if that's the norm, but it's definately more than what I spend on food in a month.