Need some motivation

I am currently at a stand still with my weight loss. I finally hit my first goal 135 last month but since then I have been bouncing between 136-139. My goal is to be 130 before Christmas. Before hitting 135, I was bouncing between 136-139 for three months. My main problem is binge eating. This is due to stress and going back to poor eating habits and failing to exercise (cause I honestly have no time to go to a gym). I know Thanksgiving is coming up, but after that I plan to get back on track. Does anyone have some tips to lose this last 5-10 lbs?


  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    :heart: < motivation :tongue:
  • violetismysoul
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    That happened to me last year, after losing 50lbs I fell into an awful binge eating cycle that kept me in the 130s, but I've learned to eat normally and workout nomatter HOW stressed I am or if I've eaten something *bad* I'm at my original goal of 125 and I've been bopping around the 120s for a month now, feels great!

    Tips: don't deprive yourself...if you are craving something just have a portion of it! It will prevent binges and weight gain. Address your relationship with food and question why you eat out of stress...I started running to help with stress and it works much better than endless choccy biscuits, trust me! Of course sometimes I'll over indulge, but the KEY is consistency...and patience. XX
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Set your goal to lose half a pound a week. It will be slower, but that is what happens when you get down to the last few pounds. Eat healthy most of the time, and allow room in your calories for a little bit of the things you love so you aren't feeling deprived. Find some 20-30 minute workouts you can do at home. There are some free workout plans on sites like Nerd Fitness, or look on Youtube, you can find a bunch of stuff on there.
  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I be supportive and motivating! Tips if u need them!
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    If binge eating is a problem, sometimes its really helpful to get rid of the food in your cupboards that are triggers for you, what kinds of foods do you binge on? Try and stay away from them... for me I never keep chips or crackers in the house its just too tempting.
    We are all busy, and even though you may not have an hour in the day to go to a gym, you likely have ten minutes to jog around the block. When it comes to exercise, something is better than nothing!
    And remember you can do this!!