30 day shred

I would love to start this regiment. Cn someone tell me how it works N what is it tht you do. Thank you


  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    The program is 3 sections, level 1,2,3. You do each for 10 days. It incorporates cardio and strength based moves. You need a set of dumbbells. (well you can do it w/out but better results with them). Takes about 30 minutes a day.
  • bluemariposa69
    Thank you jenlarz. I google it N I Managed to the workout along with my kiddos.
    They had a blast. I will continue this workout until next month. Hopefully I will
    manage to lose the rest of the weight tht I wish to lose. I've reached a weight
    loss plateau which is very frustrating. Also my BDay is next month N losing more
    weight will be an awesome BD gift to myself.