Hi guys

My names Jannah, im 28, studying full time (BA Primary Education) and have been married for (almost) a year.

Im restarting MFP today after a very unsuccessful year (i gained back the 10kg i lost last year!) and was so depressed by the upwards slant of the little progress graph, that i decided the only way to get back into this and not be influenced by past failure was to delete the account and start fresh... so here i am!

I am very motivated, and seeing as though i am on my summer break, have decided to focus my time on myself and getting healthy! I am feeling good and very positive!

I am hoping to find some friends with similar goals to assist with motivation. I know seeing your successes will spur me on, as i hope my success will do for you.

Please add me!

Jannah :)


  • Hello, I also just started, and looking for some friends, I'll add you! :)
  • JannahMM
    JannahMM Posts: 23 Member
    Fantastic, thanks Mia Rumley!

    I've had lots of fab new friends add me, and would love even more!
    ADD ME PEOPLE! I'm fun, friendly, and promise to be supportive! :)
  • AbiCusPeck
    AbiCusPeck Posts: 96 Member
    Yeah add me, I need to look about 20kg, am on MFP pretty much daily and like to think I provide motivation!!!

    Am 32, married for a year and a half, and the weight has crept on!

    I used to ride horses daily and was quite fit, but I've stopped that through marriage (my choice) and now I spin and step and pull weights, loving it...

    I feel I'm fitter than before, but need to just shift the bulge...

    i was just mentioning to a colleague that we need to re address our desires, from get fat to feel healthy and live the healthy life :)

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • JannahMM
    JannahMM Posts: 23 Member

    I totally agree that the focus needs to shift from 'skinny' to healthy. Totally what I'm aiming for these days. :)
  • Kiralai
    Kiralai Posts: 11 Member
    Added! I'm looking to start my new lifestyle by December 1st at the latest, once I have everything in order. So you can count me in as a support buddy. :) I may be on and off before December 1st, but after that I should be on here every day! Best of luck!
  • Welcome back! Here's hoping you'll be successful in your goals this time around. Good luck! Feel free to add! ^^
  • Hulk0511
    Hulk0511 Posts: 407 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone looking for support and motivation. love meeting new people.
  • melissarina
    melissarina Posts: 113 Member
    I'll send you a friend request - I'm trying to lose a bit more than 30, similar story- been married a year, put the weight back on plus a bit more....
  • JannahMM
    JannahMM Posts: 23 Member
    You guys are lovely! Thanks for adding me! :)
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member

    Nice to meet you! How you doing? Looks like we have similar goals- healthy not skinny, sustainable loss. Let's be friends!
  • I'm a teacher, been married 6 years and have 2 fabulous boys. I've been slacking as of late, but I ran today and finally tracked all my food!
  • Tuphmama
    Tuphmama Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! Looking for support and friends on here as well! Have 30-40 pounds to lose and like many of you have gained the majority of it after getting married two years ago. I also work full time, go to school part time and between my husband and I, we have 4 kids at home! one of my biggest hurdles is finding the time and energy to work out! Feel free to add me as well!
  • I started with 35+kg to lose... now I've lost 11kg. Feel free to add me :happy:
  • howdy ,
    i have 23 kilos to lose to be in a healthy bmi but want to lose a minimum of 11 .... add me would love to have a weight loss buddy
  • I am new and definitely interested in any community possible! It's hard going it alone! I'm about to get engaged (my friend told me she has insider news... so I should start prepping, haha) and I put 30lbs on during my 2 year grad program... so now I want to lose it to a) look like I did before I started school (I used to be a yoga teacher and aerial circus performer... so I was fit! But I had no time during school and now I'm just out of the habit!) b) get in shape to look great for any upcoming nuptials and c) get back into a healthy lifestyle!!!

    I'm happy to encourage and support anyone who will encourage and support me!
  • nicalexx
    nicalexx Posts: 26 Member
    I have used this site before with little luck, but that was my own fault. I am a single, professional, and travel often. I was hoping for some friends to so we can help motivate each other and exchange tips, since I'm trying to start fresh.

  • art3mislecter
    art3mislecter Posts: 57 Member
    Sent you a friend request! I'm Artemis, I'm 21 years old, and I'm looking to lose close to 100 pounds.
  • Add me if you like as I am on here just about everyday!!!
  • Mnecka
    Mnecka Posts: 119 Member
    I would love to join you in this journey. Having great support really helps the process!! :happy:
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    Hi! I'll add you too, i've just started on here as well and am getting married in March next year, madly trying to lose the squishy bits before our honeymoon in Samoa! :O scary bikini's!