Weekend/ Empty Alcohol Calories

Consistently my biggest problem is eating healthy and exercising all week then when the weekend comes I waste away all of my good work by drinking beer and liquor. Does anyone have any strategies they use when going out on the weekend? Or healthier drink substitutes? I enjoy going out with my friends and enjoying a few drinks after a long week of work. Any tips?


  • multisass
    i was told by a weight watchers coach to stick to clear drinks, so vodka/bacardi with soda water and lime etc. beer is meant to be the worst culprit for bloating and ive been staying away from it for over a month now. i also was told to stay clear of fizzy mixers.
    having a drink on a night out is always a tricky one, best of luck wit it :)
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Don't binge drink......just like not binge eating. Same concept. I usually enjoy 2 martini's on a fri or sat night when I go out. I always keep it to 2.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I stick with the "skinny" drinks, a lot of places offer lower calorie mixers for drinks, so that helps. I always have a full glass of water between drinks, that way I am filling up on water and don't have as much room for alcohol.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i stick with high quality liquor and calorie less mix like diet soda, crystal light, or soda with limes. each drink is probably about 100 calories. for crystal light, the cherry pomegranite flavor is DELICIOUS with a flavored vodka

    in terms of empty calories the booze id definitely a problem, but for me that never was the issue. the problem was the greasy pizza, fries, 5 pound deli meat sandwiches i would consume AFTER a night out. what i do now is make sure i have food ready for me at home which makes me less likely to want to stop off for something stupid.

    i also agree with not binge drinking. my general rule of thumb now is for every alcoholic drink i have 1 ounce serving of water. so on night when i'm reaching 3 drinks it hard to get in more because by that time my bladder kraken has been released and it's a PITA to keep rushing to the bathroom every 5 minutes so that's usually my clue to simmer down
  • jshuster09
    jshuster09 Posts: 6 Member
    I used to have this problem too until I mellowed out a bit a few years ago. This definitely made me feel like I ruined all of my week workouts/diet, as every time I went out, I drank way over my daily calorie goal. Thismade me feel like crap the next day because I knew that I didn't have the self control, lost motivation, and the hangover made me eat fatty foods/sort of give up on my diet plan.
    I would say to try different outlets rather than waste your calories (and money) on drinking; however, this may be hard as well. You will lose a lot of your social life (and some friendships from those who aren't supportive), but you will gain a 'fatter' wallet, better weekend production, and possibly a new hobbie. Try doing things that you can find on living social/groupon, and invite your friends along. Or possibly have a few "healthy" drinks at home before going out to feel the "buzz" on a budget. My favorite is a healthy margarita recipe my sister told me about--you mix Target brand/sugar free margarita drink mix (found near the crystal light section in all Targets), tequila, ice, and frozen strawberries in a blender!. The only calories you drink are in the tequila itself. Good luck, and remember--don't give into peer pressures! People will respect your choice to limit yourself, and if they aren't, they usually end up being jealous if you have reached your goals.
  • lilxocrush
    Thank you all for your helpful suggestions! I am definitely going to start trying those crystal light mixers and order glasses of water while out as well. I know I will have to start making a lifestyle change but I just turned 24 and it seems that all my friends want to go out on the weekends. My waistline, wallet and students loans would probably appreciate it if I stayed in more.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Order a soda water with lime before you order a drink, drink it entirely before you order an alcoholic drink, then drink a soda water after you finish every alcoholic drink. It looks like alcohol and it will slow your drinking down and eliminate a hangover (provided you don't drink too much). My problem is that I drink a lot. It doesn't matter what it is water, tea, or wine I just drink fast and lots so I needed to develop a strategy when going out and I have found this one works.

    I think it is important to do the things that bring us joy and to socialize. I do love to share a nice glass of wine with my sweet man so I usually try to leave calories for one or two.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I work my calories on a weekly basis, while also trying not to undereat to much during the week. Mon-Thurs I aim to be around 200 cals under my goal, friday I usually break around even, and then on the weekends I use up the rest of my calories.
    I know they are empty calories, but I enjoy a few drinks so allow myself that on the weekend.
  • DankiStar
    I have decided my reward/wind down at the end of the week is a pole dancing class, which I love! So I don't drink Friday night, then I have another class at 10am Saturday morning. I start off the weekend feeling amazing. Then when I do drink I have soda, lime/lemon and vodka