On my way to no longer being overweight

Dr. said I have only 4 more pounds to go till I'm no longer considered overweight. I am so thrilled as was he. All blood work and vitals are great. No more BP meds, no more MS meds or pain meds. My joints no longer hurt, back feels normal for a change with some slight pain but nothing to cry about, muscles no longer ache to the bone as they did in the past from my fibro. I can't tell you how happy I am to finally feel good again, have more energy and less of me to lug around. woo hoo!! Doing the happy dance to burn more calories. :laugh: :laugh:

Its a long slow process and a lot of work but if I can do it anyone can! :flowerforyou:


  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Thats awesome well done you
  • gwicks54
    gwicks54 Posts: 201 Member
    That is great. You have done so well to have had such health problems to begin with. Congratulations
  • missymuffet
    missymuffet Posts: 105 Member
    So awesome!! :love: I'm so inspired by you!! Didn't remember you have fibro--so do I. I always feel better if I just keep working out also. Always scared of the cold weather setting in--it's the hardest time of year for me. But we will just keep on keepin' on!!!
  • ddipert
    ddipert Posts: 103 Member
    You are my hero! To do all that with health challenges - that is wonderful!
  • emwaitexo
    I'm just starting out and im only 16 but have big dreams of losing 60-70 pounds in a year! You're my inspiration because one day I wish to walk into the doctors and have them say i am in the "healthy" weight range for my age. :)...FINALLY!
  • jameseylefebure
    jameseylefebure Posts: 234 Member
    thats amazing!!

    Well done!!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    So awesome!! :love: I'm so inspired by you!! Didn't remember you have fibro--so do I. I always feel better if I just keep working out also. Always scared of the cold weather setting in--it's the hardest time of year for me. But we will just keep on keepin' on!!!

    Yes a lot of people with fibro would rather sit around and do nothing than work out and get past the pain. I've found, and so have a few of my friends who have fibro, that if you keep going past that painful point it does get easier. Its getting started thats the hard part. The first time I lifted any weights or used my stationary bike I was sore all over but even with the pain I exercised and it did get easier. Every day the pain was less and less. I haven't had any fibro pain since about May. I started MFP in feb but wasn't getting anywhere. Joined WW and decided that since I was paying for it I would put more effort into it. And I did.

    It was easier losing the weight after I got off of all of the pain meds. A lot of them I was on for nearly 15 years. Some are known to cause weight gain. Dr. took me off one at a time to see how I would do and if the weight would start to come off and sure enough I started to lose weight. It drove us both a bit bonkers when he saw my food diary and all the exercising I did but we got it figured out.

    I started with simply walking every day and as I got stronger I built up to other exercises. My balance is back and I'm able to ride a bike now...not just my stationary bike. First time I got on a real bike I was scared to death. Nearly crashed a few times lol but I made it around the block without killing anyone or myself . :laugh:

    And thank you everyone for the great support on this site. It really helps!
  • nicstir
    nicstir Posts: 70 Member
    Very inspirational, thank you!
    An well done *Cheers YaY*
  • Isatryli
    Isatryli Posts: 76 Member
    Well done! Congrats on your success so far!!
  • maryfalboackerman
    WOW!.....can't wait till I can say the same.
  • maryfalboackerman
    :flowerforyou: You must be sooooooooooo proud....keep up the great work....
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