Need all your help!

jnolen Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello. I just joined My fitness pal and I want your help!. I would love to hear ideas of what you all do to stay committed to this program. I have dealt with weight issues my entire life-nothing life threatening, but not in a zone that i feel comfortable either. I want to turn 40 and look fabulous...and stay that way. What are some of your secrets..please help. I will check back often, and i will post my progress on a weekly basis...hopefully with anew pictuer in 30 days.


  • I think you look beautiful in your picture! I am about to turn 41 and just started this myself--although I'd like to lose weight. I need to monitor what and when I eat closer. Will help when I can!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    What keeps me going on this new lifestyle is logging everyday and reading all the success stories of everyone. I've made a ton of friends on here already who are my age, have similar goals, and are just all around amazing ladies!! I love logging in, putting my food in, and knowing that ANYONE can see what I've been eating and they'll keep me accountable. :) Seeing other people's food diaries has helped me try to put different things in my diet. This week I'm working on more veggies! Already today I had a carrot & celery for snack and I plan on having some green beans with dinner.
  • ksully
    ksully Posts: 1
    I have been losing weight for almost a year. I have been successful but I am fast approaching my vacation and would like to get to my goal weight before I leave. I recently hired a personal trainer who told me the only dairy I can eat is PLAIN nonfat yogurt......I did this and I have lost 13 pounds of fat in 3 weeks!!! It really does work, I definately recommend staying away from any processed foods and try to stick to whole foods, like eggs and chicken. Good luck!
  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    I have been logging in since early in the year too. Don't forget to measure yourself and keep a record the same as for your weight. It is disheartning after all your hard work for the week to find you have either gained some weight or only lost a little bit. Although I have only lost 2.5kg (5lb 5oz) I have noticed my clothes are so loose, my waist and hips are shrinking!!!! I only measured myself for the first time officially last week, I have lost 2cm from my hips and 3 cms from my waist! Next measurement I will take is in 4 weeks (although I will still weigh in each week).
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