Engaged and in college :)

Hello, all!

My name is Melissa and I am a 20 year old college student that attends Ball State University- GO CARDINALS, CHIRP, CHIRP!

Looooong story short I love helping and supporting people. I am a real fat girl that is on her way to becoming something that I never dreamed possible until 12.24.2011- the day my fiancé asked me to marry him. :) I know! He's the best and most importantly- he believes in me.

I want to walk down that aisle with my old friends that haven't seen me in pure shock of my transformation. And most importantly, I want to make his knees weak at the thought of where I was and where I am(will be). 8.16.2016 here I come!

I, like many of you have gone through diet after diet and given up- that being said I know that there are some days of struggle ahead. I need some people to push me and support me by liking the things that I do, messaging me, anything! This is a journey and I am willing to hold your hands along the way!

Keep going!


  • Congratulations Melissa. I am getting married in 5 months - am loving the planning!

    Sending you lots of strength and motivation for your journey!!!
  • mjkpe
    mjkpe Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Both my kids got married 3 years ago and my daughter is now expecting our first grand child, (girl). While these goals ARE important please don't forget to enjoy that special day! God bless you both, your future spouse and family to come!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member

    I got married while 20 and in College. My now husband came home from Iraq on R&R and we tied the know!!

    I lost 40 lbs without him knowing and he was shocked!! That was almost 4 years ago and now I've gained all that back and some!! You can do it!!!!

    You can always add me, and we can help each other out!!!

    Good Luck!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Congrats Melissa, I was born and raised just a little Northwest of there and Love and Miss Indiana. This site works, it works great I am proof. Since Jan I have lost 105 lbs. I am not special, i do not kill myself working out, I do not run. I eat normal food and even have desert. Follow the MFP guidelines and you will find success. God bless
  • Hey Melissa
    My date is still TBD but I think it is great what you're doing! I met my sweetheart in the process of my weight rollercoaster journey and it's amazing to know you have someone who loves you for you, because it makes ALL the difference! I just wanted to tell you that if you need or want any advice or support I am totally here because I know where you are coming from! You are beautiful no matter your shape, but it's such a great feeling to love the skin you're in! Stay motivated girl!
  • Thank you all so much!

    lovelylady21- my fiancé is in the military as well so I know where you are coming from!

    Thank you all for your support!